[Below many other texts in English about the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon]

Text in English (sotto lo stesso testo tradotto in italiano)



Oreste Caroppo

SUBJECT: for the International Year UNESCO of the Light, 2015, my discovery of a huge error of physical misinterpretation and mathematical reading at the base of the entire Modern Physics, “MAXWELL’s ERROR” as it should be baptized, the "Original Sin of Modern Physics”, and the subsequent, or otherwise related, discovery of the Structure of the Photon in the baptized “Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon”, which is able, by alone, to make reason and to explain all the properties of the photon, shedding light on its relationship with the vacuum, with a resulting implicated review of current physical theories, of their theoretical foundations, allowing an important new unification, to overcome even the countless contradictions in theoretical physics today.


   I want to submit, to your knowledge and attention, the results of my research about the light, photons, and the true nature of the electromagnetic field, and their significant consequences.
I take the opportunity that is made up of the inauguration, in these days, by UNESCO, of the International Year of the Light, 2015, which will attract the interest, exactly, on the studies in physics related to the topics on which my studies mainly focus.
My great basic question, from which I  left, was: “what is the structure of the photon ?!”
The answer was the discovery of a dipole double-helical structure in dynamic equilibrium for the photon; a structure able to describe and explain, together and perfectly, all the properties of the photon, including its famous relation E=hv, doing physically see what is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave, for the photon; from what follows, and what is the nature of the relationship between wave and corpuscle for the light; because the photon is present, and can not be otherwise, in the presence of an electromagnetic radiation, disclosing the deep reasons of physical dualism wave-particle, so that this dualism stops being an accepted dogma, or a mystery no further intelligible. The physical reasons of the spin of the photon and why exactly with that module, direction and possible ways of orientation, etc. etc. And all this without contradicting any properties of the photon, which, for example, continues to have rest mass equal to zero, even in its new physical-mathematical model discovered.
With this new model, we could finally understand the meaning of h, the Planck constant and its physical origin linked to the properties of the vacuum, (the "ether", whose properties are, in fact, the subject, now, of increasing study in modern experimental physics), and so for the correlated Fine Structure Constant, but also for the Planck Charge, (always correlated to h), of which, finally, we explain the physical reasons of its proximity and, at the same time, of its difference from the value of the Elementary Charge, by means of the phenomenon of electric polarization of the vacuum in presence of charges, and of the inertia of the vacuum to this polarization for the electric charges very fast, (as for the two inner electric charges of the photon according to the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon), with respect to it (respect to "ether").
The model of this structure of the photon, which we called "Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon" (MODEC in acronym), has dedicated a long PDF, downloadable here, drawn by me in the early 2000s, and popularized in the network with a website, a specific blog, since 2008.
Link English PDF downloadable from here:
it is the work, where, with mathematical rigor, the structure of the photon is described, and where the enormous possibilities of the model to explain the properties of the photon are shown; a mosaic that comes together and becomes fully intelligible with the discovery of the structure of the photon.
To the explanatory consequences of the model about the Units of Planck, a second PDF is dedicated; it is linked inside the website about the Modec, (see later), on the page dedicated to the topic of the Planck’s Units, and the unveiling of their mystery.
Although the mathematical base of the model, presented in the PDF linked above, was developed in the early 2000s, last year, 2014, should be considered the "Annus mirabilis" for the Modec, for a variety of developments and discoveries on its consequences, which have been collected and disseminated on this website specifically made, and entitled "FIAT LUX! A REVOLUTION IN THE PHYSICAL THOUGHT, Critique of Pure Physics":
link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html
A website, with also the first my works about Modec, that is having great resonance and countless visits, causing a lot of debate among physicists, and not only, Italian and not, that they are aware of these my studies, also on the social networks about physics all over the world, and in many languages.
In the website, the right column is the index with the various sections that can be accessed. These include the discussion on demonstrating the electromagnetic stability of the model of the photon, just for example.
But the most important discovery, or at least the cardinal discovery for its enormous consequences, made in this, recently elapsed, "annus mirabilis" 2014, concerns the so-called “Maxwell’s error”! An error of interpretation made by the great physicist James Clerk Maxwell in the physical and mathematician evaluation of his equations of electromagnetic waves, (equations presented exactly 150 years ago by Maxwell to the Royal Society, in 1864).
An error absolutely escaped, for 150 years, from the sight of all; although banal, elementary, and as simple as crucial, which had, after Maxwell, catastrophic impressive consequences on the theoretical physical thought and consequent physical theories, as we well reconstructed step by step. From this propagation of the error escaped and absorbed in theoretical thought descended many of the dramas and contradictions, not yet healed, today of modern physics and its contradictory theories. It is no coincidence if we called that glaring error: "The original sin of modern physics".
This argument is in a my chapter in English, (in my website), entitled “ABSTRACT: MAXWELL’S ERROR, THE GREAT ORIGINAL SIN OF MODERN PHYSICS. With a new Unification the model that explains PHOTON!”, to the link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html  and several other chapters in Italian, ever in my website.
An error that shows how the double helix model is the most correct for the description of the single photon, almost inevitable, we can say, its approach to this object. This error, discovered today, forces us to re-write and re-analyze critically aware of the error, 150 years of modern physics, also with reflections on Relativity, from a serious re-analysis of the concept of ether, on which the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon allows to make new light, making clear in what the same Maxwell missed in reflections about the properties of the ether.
Thanks to Modec, the photon and the quantization of the electromagnetic field, which is at the basis of Quantum Mechanics, are reduced only to quantization of electric charge, in an amazing application precisely of the principle of Occam's Razor, which indicates how good thing the reduction of the entities, concepts and principles in physics, as much as possible, in the explanation of phenomena of Nature. The Model, (the Modec), thus allows a large correction of physical theoretical thought from its mistakes, and at the same time it leads to a wide new scientific unification.
The Modec also indicates the direction of the correct answer to the EPR paradox, with the understanding that the Quantum Mechanics is an incomplete theory of hidden variables, and that these are a consequence of the structure of the photon ignored, ignored because of  Maxwell’s error, which has made to believe the photon, when it was discovered, totally an unforeseen element from classical physics, (while it was not, if physicists had understood that mistake in time), and also he did believe photon as punctiform and free of charge distribution, although in the total sum of electric charges equal to zero, (another consequence of this error, because the photon, as the Modec shows, instead has a structure at least bi-punctiform, with a distribution of electric charge, but in a total zero-sum, thus preserving the overall neutrality that the photon shows).
We find, therefore, that it is the ignorance on the structure of the photon that has the direct consequence of the appearance of the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Mechanics.
An indeterminacy that now appears to be of the theory, the result of incompleteness of this, and not of Nature. As a response to EPR, thanks to Modec, we have the reaffirmation of the principle of reality, and of a reality where the interactions remote at a distance non-local may be. Hence the interest in the study of approaches of reformulation of relativity designed to allow absolute simultaneity, and to which I dedicate a chapter on the my website presented.
All these points and others are developed and discussed in the various chapters and sections of the website, unfortunately this mostly still in Italian, except for the parts in English linked above.
In my theoretical approach the mathematical beauty of the structure of the photon, which in its motion propagates describing, (in reference to the vacuum-ether which is at the basis), trajectories as a double helix, exactly two helicies having both an helix angle of 45°, has been a point of arrival, not a starting point; an end point in the research of the structure that would allow to get, with its dynamic, all the properties of the photon; property that, until now, were a puzzled set of tiles of a unique mosaic, which is not believed to exist, but whose design instead was reconstructed and shown by Modec, showing because of the need that those tiles had those characteristics and not other.
Although it is thanks to the Modec I had the urge to discover the capital “Error of Maxwell”, the latter might instead be placed at the beginning of the presentation of my theoretical work, showing how in the discovery of this error, (the question of the error has a physical and mathematician independence and a considerable conceptual simplicity, compared to the more refined and detailed description of Modec), the foundations are laid to imagine a structure of the photon and the nature of the electro-magnetic interaction as action at a distance, as the one that is shows to be at the base of the structure, of a perfect balance, in the Double Helicoidal Model of Photon.
The discovery of Maxwell’s error and of the structure double helicoidal of the Photon show the emptiness of the hypothesis of the electric and magnetic fields mediated by photons, according to a principle of locality, in the conception of contemporary physical thought. The photon reveals that it consists of a dipole that rototranslate, in a dynamic balance of the electrical charges of the dipole that are sources of electric and magnetic fields of the electromagnetic radiation connected with the photon.
These charges, imaginable as point, are centers of force of the electric fields, which are always fields of central forces at a distance, extended throughout the space, trending of their potential as 1/r, (“r” is the distance from the punctiform charge source), and that follow rigidly the centers of force, the charges of the dipole constituting the single photon. The center of mass of the photon translate, with respect to the vacuum-ether, with speed c, (the famous universal constant of the speed of light in vacuum), but its electric charges (sum total nothing!) expands into space the electric field, (according to Coulomb's law, which expresses a non-local interaction, as a recent experiment, in Frascati Laboratory in Italy, also has confirmed, as in literature can read - more details about in my website), and the magnetic field, connected to the electrical system, (according to the strength Lorentz, it also expresses a non-local interaction); force fields that are also the basis for the balance of forces, from which derives the dynamic equilibrium of the photon same, as shown in the PDF linked above. Balance, from which, we have, there, demonstrated and obtained mathematically, strictly physical, that the relation E = hv, the spin of the photon, the expression of h in terms of other universal physical constants and properties of the vacuum, etc . derive.
So, by the symmetry in the structure of the photon, with its total energy equally distributed between its two elementary charges of the constituent dipole, we understand the true origin of matter and antimatter, and why, in fact, in many phenomena the transition are observed from photons to pairs of matter-antimatter and vice versa. We understand how the believed annihilation of electron-positron, is not true annihilation, but the formation, (with preservation of the total energy of course in the process), of joined structures, such as those we have just discovered to be the photons; as already shown by the fact that a photon is not pure energy having also other properties, of which now better we understand the nature in relation to its dynamic structure, such as, for example, the frequency of the electromagnetic wave associated with it, that today we find, thanks to the Modec, be intrinsically generated by the photon itself, by its rototranslation movement in helix! This frequency is exactly, Modec shows, the same frequency of its intrinsic rototranslatory motion, to which its special spin, (the spin of the photon), is also connected, and well predicted in all its characteristics vector, value of its module included, in Modec! So the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave associated with the photon is identified physically with the pitch of the two helices (geometrically identical) described by the two components of the photon during its motion.
Assuming, therefore, the highlighted inconsistency of the hypothesis of photons as mediators of the electrical interaction between electric charges, (for which I had also highlighted a paradox involving the black hole, exposed always in my website), and, more generally, prefacing the great and numerous consequences of the Error of Maxwell thought modern theoretical physicist, involving now, on the one hand, cutting the “Gordian knot” which some conceptions, (unsustainable now that was discovered the error), about the basic principles of operation of reality, represent, and, the in the other side, a critical reanalysis of physical and mathematical tools developed in these 150 years suffering from the propagation of the error, (in front of  the accumulation of many useful experimental data), it follows the impossibility of using those tools as a whole and uncritically for the analysis and judgment of the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon (Modec); now you can see how the parties are in fact reversed with the discovery of the mistake of Maxwell, so that to be put under judgment is the Modern Physics in its foundations! In this scenery, at the same time, the Modec shows, in the simplicity and clarity of its mathematics and of the physical concepts and basic principles, all its great elegance and power, in the logical-mathematical rigor of his treatment, and it inaugurates a new theoretical Weltanschauung of the reality finally closer to the real Nature (the real "Phyisis", in greek), thus closing the door to what I call the “spiritualism” today ramped in modern physics, with many theoretical degeneration that we have seen in the '900 century and we see more in the our times, and which have been and are always a consequence of the propagation of the huge error now and for ever discovered, for the first time after 150 years in which no one has seen it, with due consideration, to give it the proper attention, that today the Modec also allowed, although error that was for all these decades under the eyes of everyone, everywhere!

The richness of thought and discoveries expressed in their architecture, the revolutionary impact of the same, do not allow further simplification, which are not mere summaries for incomplete articles, for this reason, I submit the whole corpus of my theory, much of which is in fact collected in both PDFs and in the pages of the website, reported to your attention.
I am sure about the right wide interest they will get from you, and I thank you, also in the wonderful coincidence of this UNESCO International Year of Light, 2015.

Large Gracious Regards,


     Oreste Caroppo,        January 2015



Testo tradotto in Italiano:



Oreste Caroppo

OGGETTO: per l’Anno Internazionale UNESCO della Luce, 2015, la mia scoperta di un immenso errore di interpretazione fisica e di lettura matematica alla base di tutta la Fisica Moderna, l’ “ERRORE di MAXWELL” come si deve battezzare, il “Peccato originale della Fisica Moderna”, e la conseguente o comunque correlata scoperta della struttura del Fotone nel battezzato “Modello Doppio Elicoidale del Fotone” in grado di rendere ragione e spiegare da solo tutte le proprietà del fotone gettando luce sui suoi rapporti con il vuoto, con conseguente implicata revisione delle attuali teorie fisiche, dei loro fondamenti  teorici, permettendo una importante nuova unificazione, a superamento anche di innumerevoli contraddizioni in fisica teorica dei nostri giorni.



  voglio sottoporre, alla vostra conoscenza e attenzione, i risultati delle mie ricerche in merito alla luce, ai fotoni e alla vera natura del campo elettromagnetico, e le loro notevoli conseguenze.
Colgo la occasione che è costituita dalla inaugurazione, in questi giorni, dallo UNESCO, dello Anno Internazionale della Luce, il 2015, che richiamerà lo interesse, esattamente, sugli studi in fisica riguardanti gli argomenti su cui i miei studi vertono principalmente.
La mia grande domanda di fondo, dalla quale io sono partito, è stata: "quale è la struttura del fotone?!"
La risposta è stata la scoperta di una struttura dipolare doppio elicoidale in equilibrio dinamico per il fotone in grado di descrivere e spiegare, insieme e perfettamente, tutte le proprietà del fotone, inclusa la sua famosa relazione E=hv, facendo vedere fisicamente cosa è la frequenza, di una onda elettromagnetica, per il fotone, da che cosa discende, e quale è la natura della relazione tra onda e corpuscolo per la luce, perché il fotone è presente, e non può essere altrimenti, in presenza di una radiazione elettromagnetica, disvelando le ragioni profonde fisiche del dualismo onda-particella, che smette così di essere un dogma accettato, o un mistero non ulteriormente intelligibile. Le ragioni fisiche dello spin del fotone e perché esattamente con quel modulo, direzione e possibili versi di orientamento, ecc. ecc. E tutto questo senza contraddire nessuna proprietà del fotone, che, ad esempio, continua ad avere massa a riposo pari a zero, anche nel nuovo suo modello fisico-matematico scoperto.

Grazie a questo nuovo modello, si è potuto finalmente comprendere il significato di h, la Costante di Planck e della sua origine fisica legata alle proprietà del vuoto, (lo "etere", le cui proprietà sono, nei fatti, oggetto, ormai, di sempre maggiore studio nella fisica sperimentale moderna), e così per la correlata Costante di Struttura Fine, ma anche per la Carica di Planck, (sempre correlata ad h ), della quale, finalmente, si spiegano le ragioni fisiche, della vicinanza e, al contempo, differenza, dal valore della carica elementare, per mezzo del fenomeno della polarizzazione elettrica del vuoto in presenza di cariche, e della inerzia del vuoto a tale polarizzazione, per cariche elettriche molto veloci, (come per le due cariche elettriche interne del fotone secondo il Modello Doppio Elicoidale del Fotone), rispetto ad esso, (rispetto all' "etere").
Al modello di questa struttura del fotone, che abbiamo chiamato "Modello Doppio Elicoidale del Fotone" (MODEC in acronimo), è dedicato un lungo PDF, qui scaricabile, redatto da me nei primi anni del 2000, e divulgato in rete con un sito internet, un blog specifico, dal 2008.

Link del PDF in inglese da qui scaricabile:


si tratta del lavoro, dove, con rigore matematico, la struttura del fotone è descritta, e dove le enormi possibilità del modello di spiegare le proprietà del fotone sono mostrate; un mosaico che si ricompone e diviene pienamente intelligibile con la scoperta della struttura del fotone.
Alle conseguenze esplicative del modello, in merito poi alle Unità di Planck, è dedicato un secondo PDF linkato allo interno del sito nella pagina dedicata all’argomento delle Unità di Planck, e della disvelamento del loro mistero.
Sebbene lo zoccolo matematico del modello, presentato nel PDF linkato sopra, sia stato sviluppato nei primi anni del 2000, l’anno scorso, il 2014, si deve considerare l’ “Annus mirabilis” per il Modec, per tutta una serie di sviluppi e scoperte sulle sue conseguenze, che sono state raccolte e divulgate in questo sito internet ad hoc realizzato, e intitolato “FIAT LUX ! UNA RIVOLUZIONE NEL PENSIERO FISICO, Critica della Fisica Pura” :

Link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html

Un sito web, con anche le prime opere sul Modec, che sta avendo grande risonanza e innumerevoli visite, causando grandi dibattiti tra i fisici, e non solo, italiani e non, che sono venuti a conoscenza di questi miei studi, anche sui social network sul tema della fisica, in tutto il mondo e in molte lingue.
Nel sito web, sulla colonna di destra si trova l’ indice con i vari paragrafi cui è possibile accedere. Tra questi quello sulla discussione a dimostrazione della stabilità elettromagnetica del modello, solo ad esempio.

Ma la scoperta più importante, o per lo meno quella cardinale, e dalle immani conseguenze, fatta in questo, da poco trascorso, “annus mirabilis” 2014, riguarda il cosiddetto “errore di Maxwell”!
Un errore interpretativo fatto dal grande fisico James Clerk Maxwell nella valutazione fisica e matematica delle sue equazioni delle onde elettromagnetiche, (equazioni presentate esattamente 150 anni fa da Maxwell alla Royal Society, nel 1864).
Un errore assolutamente sfuggito, per 150 anni, alla vista di tutti; sebbene banalissimo, elementare, e tanto semplice quanto cruciale, che ha avuto, dopo di Maxwell, conseguenze catastrofiche impressionanti sul pensiero fisico teorico e sulle conseguenti teorie fisiche, come abbiamo ben ricostruito passo passo. Da questa propagazione di quell' errore sfuggito ed assorbito nel pensiero teorico discendono moltissimi dei drammi e delle contraddizioni non risanate odierne della fisica moderna e delle sue contraddittorie teorie. Non è un caso se abbiamo chiamato quel madornale errore: “Il peccato originale della fisica moderna”.
A questo argomento è dedicato un mio capitolo, in inglese, (nel mio sito web), intitolato “ABSTRACT: MAXWELL’S ERROR, THE GREAT ORIGINAL SIN OF MODERN PHYSICS. With a new Unification the model that explains PHOTON!”, al link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html e diversi altri capitoli in Italiano, sempre nel mio sito web.
Un errore che  mostra come il modello doppio elicoidale sia il più corretto per la descrizione del singolo fotone, quasi inevitabile, possiamo dire, il suo approccio a tal fine. Questo errore, oggi scoperto, costringe a  riscrivere e a rianalizzare criticamente, consapevoli dell’ errore, ben 150 anni di fisica moderna, con riflessioni anche sulla Relatività a partire da una seria rianalisi del concetto d etere su cui il modello getta nuova luce facendo capire in cosa sbagliò lo stesso Maxwell nelle riflessioni sulle sue proprietà.

Si può così, grazie al Modec, ricondurre il fotone e la quantizzazione del campo elettromagnetico, che è alla base della Meccanica Quantistica, alla sola quantizzazione della carica elettrica, in una strepitosa applicazione proprio del principio del Rasoio di Occam, che invita alla riduzione degli enti, concetti e principi in fisica quanto più possibile nella spiegazione dei fenomeni e della Natura. Il Modello (il Modec) permette quindi una grande correzione del pensiero teorico in fisica dai suoi errori, e al contempo esso porta ad una nuova ampia unificazione scientifica.

Il Modec inoltre indica il verso della risposta corretta al paradosso EPR, con la comprensione che la Meccanica Quantistica è una teoria incompleta a variabili nascoste, e che queste sono conseguenza della ignorata struttura del fotone, ignorata a causa dell’ errore di Maxwell, che ha fatto credere il fotone, quando poi fu scoperto, totalmente un elemento imprevisto dalla fisica classica, (mentre così non era, se si fosse compreso quell’errore in tempo), e inoltre lo ha fatto credere come puntiforme e privo di distribuzione di carica, seppur a somma totale nulla di carica, (un altro conseguente errore questo, perché il fotone, come il Modec mostra, ha invece una struttura almeno bi-puntiforme, con distribuzione di carica, ma a somma nulla, preservando così la neutralità complessiva che il fotone mostra).

Si scopre dunque che proprio la ignoranza sulla struttura del fotone ha come conseguenza diretta la comparsa del principio di indeterminazione di Heisenberg in Meccanica Quantistica. Un’indeterminazione che ora si mostra essere della teoria, frutto della incompletezza di questa, e non della natura. Come risposta all’ EPR inoltre ne discende, grazie al Modec, la riaffermazione del principio di realtà, e di una realtà dove possono esistere interazioni a distanza non-locali. Da qui l’interesse per lo studio di approcci riformulativi della relatività, atti a permettere la simultaneità assoluta, e a cui dedico un capitolo nel sito internet presentato. 

Tutto questi punti ed altri ancora vengono sviluppati e discussi nei vari capitoli e paragrafi del sito internet, purtroppo questo per la maggior parte ancora in Italiano, eccezion fatta per le parti in inglese sopra linkatevi.

Nel mio approccio teorico la bellezza matematica della struttura del fotone, che nel suo moto propaga descrivendo, rispetto al vuoto–etere di base, come traiettoria una doppia elica esattamente di due eliche aventi entrambe angolo di elica di 45°, è stato un punto di arrivo, non un punto di partenza; un punto di arrivo nella ricerca della struttura che permettesse di fare ottenere con la sua dinamica tutte le proprietà del fotone, che ad oggi costituivano un insieme confuso di tessere di un mosaico unico, che no si credeva esistere, ma il cui disegno invece Modec ha ricostruito e ha mostrato, mostrando il perché della necessità che quelle tessere avessero quelle caratteristiche e non altre. 

Sebbene è grazie al Modec che ho avuto lo stimolo alla scoperta del capitale “errore di Maxwell”, questo ultimo potrebbe invece essere posto all’ inizio della presentazione del mio lavoro teorico, most5rando come dalla scoperta di questo errore, (la questione dell’errore ha una sua indipendenza fisico-matematica e notevole semplicità concettuale, rispetto alla più raffinata e minuziosa descrizione del Modec), si pongono le basi stesse per immaginare una struttura del fotone e la natura della interazione elettro-magnetica come interazione a distanza quale proprio quella che si mostra essere alla base della struttura, dal perfetto equilibrio, nel Modello Doppio Elicoidale del Fotone.

La scoperta dell’ Errore di Maxwell e della struttura Doppio Elicoidale del Fotone mostra la vuotezza dell’ ipotesi dei campi elettrici e magnetici mediati dai fotoni secondo un principio di località, nella concezione del contemporaneo pensiero fisico. Il fotone si scopre essere costituito da un dipolo rototraslante, in un equilibrio dinamico delle cariche elettriche del dipolo che son sorgenti dei campi elettrici e magnetici della radiazione elettromagnetica, connessa al fotone.

Tali cariche, immaginabili come puntiformi son centri di forza dei campi elettrici, che son sempre campi di forze centrali a distanza, estesi in tutto lo spazio, ad andamento del loro potenziale come 1/r (“r” è la distanza dalla carica puntiforme sorgente), e che seguono rigidamente i centri di forza, le cariche del dipolo costituente il singolo fotone. Il centro di massa del fotone trasla, rispetto al vuoto-etere, a velocità c, (la famosa costante universale della velocità della luce nel vuoto), ma dalle sue cariche elettriche (a somma totale nulla!) si espande nello spazio il campo elettrico, (secondo la legge di Coulomb, che esprime una interazione non-locale, come anche un recente esperimento nei Laboratori di Frascati  in Italia ha confermato, come in letteratura può leggere – maggiori dettagli in merito nel mio sito web), e il campo magnetico, collegato a quello elettrico, (secondo la forza di Lorentz, anche essa esprimente una interazione non-locale); campi di forze che son alla base anche dell’equilibrio di forze, da cui deriva l’ equilibrio dinamico del fotone stesso, come si mostra nel PDF sopra linkato. Equilibrio, da cui deriva, lo abbiamo, lì, dimostrato, e ottenuto matematicamente, con rigore fisico: la relazione E=hv, lo spin del fotone, e l’espressione di h in termini di altre costanti fisiche universali e proprietà del vuoto, ecc.

Così, dalla simmetria nella struttura del fotone, con la sua energia totale equamente distribuita tra le sue due cariche elementari del dipolo costituente, si comprende la vera origine di materia ed antimateria, e perché, infatti, in tanti fenomeni si osservano il passaggio da fotoni a coppie di materia-antimateria e viceversa. Si comprende come la creduta annichilazione di elettrone-positrone, non è vera annichilazione, ma formazione, (con conservazione dell' energia totale ovviamente nel processo), di strutture legate, quali quelle che abbiamo proprio scoperto essere i fotoni; come già mostra il fatto che un fotone non è pura energia avendo anche altre proprietà, di cui ora meglio comprendiamo la natura in relazione alla sua struttura dinamica, quali, ad esempio, la frequenza dell’ onda elettromagnetica ad esso associata, che oggi scopriamo, con il Modec, essere dal fotone stesso intrinsecamente generata, attraverso il suo movimento rototraslatorio elicoidale; essa è proprio, si dimostra, la stessa frequenza del suo intrinseco moto rototraslatorio a cui anche si collega il suo speciale spin, (lo spin del fotone), ben predetto in tutte le sue caratteristiche vettoriali, modulo incluso, nel Modec! Così la lunghezza d’onda dell’onda elettromagnetica associata al fotone si identifica fisicamente con il passo delle eliche (geometricamente identiche) descritte dalle due componenti del fotone nel suo moto.

Premettendo, dunque, la evidenziata inconsistenza dell’ ipotesi dei fotoni come mediatori dell’ interazione elettrica tra cariche elettriche, (per la quale anche avevo evidenziato un paradosso coinvolgente il buco nero, esposto sempre nel mio sito web), e, più in generale, premettendo le grandi e numerose conseguenze dell’ Errore di Maxwell sul pensiero fisico teorico moderno, implicanti ora, da un lato, il taglio del “nodo gordiano” rappresentato da alcune concezioni, (ormai insostenibili ora che è stato scoperto l' errore), sui principi di base del funzionamento della realtà, e dall’ altro lato una rianalisi critica degli strumenti fisici e matematici sviluppati in questi 150 anni affetti dalla propagazione dell’ errore, a fronte dell’ accumulo di tantissimi utili dati sperimentali, ne discende l’impossibilità di utilizzare quegli strumenti, nel loro insieme, e acriticamente per l’analisi e il giudizio del Modello Doppio Elicoidale del Fotone (Modec); ora si son infatti invertite le parti con la scoperta dell’ errore di Maxwell, tanto che ad essere messa sotto giudizio è la Fisica Moderna nei suoi fondamenti. In questo scenario, al contempo, il Modec mostra proprio, nella sua semplicità e limpidità matematica e di concetti e principi fisici basilari, tutta la sua grandissima eleganza e potenza, nel rigore logico-matematico della sua trattazione, e inaugura una nuova Weltanschauung teorica della realtà finalmente più prossima alla Natura reale (the vera “Phyisis” in greco), chiudendo così la porta a quello che definisco lo “spiritismo” oggi dilagato in fisica moderna, con le tante degenerazioni teoriche che abbiam visto nel ‘900 e vediam sempre più in questi nostri tempi e che sono state e sono una conseguenza sempre della propagazione del madornale errore ora e per sempre scovato, per la prima volta dopo 150 anni in cui nessuno lo ha visto, con la giusta considerazione, per dargli la giusta attenzione che oggi il Modec anche ha permesso, sebbene errore che è stato per tutti questi decenni sotto gli occhi di tutti, in tutto il mondo!

La ricchezza del pensiero e delle scoperte espresse nella loro architettura, la portata rivoluzionaria delle stesse, non permettono ulteriori semplificazioni, che non siano meri riassunti per articoli incompleti, per questo motivo, sottopongo l' intero mio corpus teorico, di cui buona parte raccolto appunto nei due PDF e nelle pagine del sito internet, segnalati alla vostra attenzione.
Sono certo del giusto ampio interesse che da voi otterranno, e vi ringrazio, anche nella bella coincidenza di questo Anno Internazionale UNESCO della Luce.

Cordiali Grandi Saluti,

   Oreste Caroppo,  gennaio 2015



I cosiddetti

"I Pilastri della Creazione" nella Nebulosa Aquila

Il nome "Pilastri della Creazione" si riferisce ad una fotografia ripresa dal telescopio spaziale Hubble di colonne di gas interstellare e polveri visibili nella Nebulosa Aquila; è stata scattata il 1º aprile 1995 e viene considerata come una delle dieci migliori fotografie scattate dall'Hubble.





Here, I copy my comments in English from online discussions held in the months of January-April 2018, to which the American scholar Professor Richard Gautier has involved me; he contacted me via email on October 31, 2017, after having found and quoted in his article, on the photon and the Fine-Structure Constant, of 2017, my study of 2005 on the Modec , published by me since 2008 in my blog http://caroppophotonmodel.blogspot.it

Richard Gauthier, Santa Rosa Junior College, Chemistry and Physics, Adjunct
his address Santa Rosa, California, United States.
Regarding the studies and hypotheses about the photon of Richard see here: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/le-convergenze-nel-verso-del-modec-del-fotone.html

The discussion, from which my comments, is on the Academia.edu site to the addresses

link: https://www.academia.edu/s/16109ceabf/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-composite-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant

link: https://www.academia.edu/s/0b8807556f/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant-has-inertial-mass-mec-2?source=lin

link: https://www.academia.edu/s/bfab93df62/the-photon-a-traveller-in-disguise-and-the-electron-the-coincidence-of-being


From the January-February 2018 discussion to the link: https://www.academia.edu/s/16109ceabf/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-composite-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant


Dear Richard Gauthier

  I thank you for your attention to my studies about photon and physics in general and for your welcome invitation to join this discussion.

I see reading your work that also you arrive to the conception of a structure for the photon based on a double-helix with two identical and opposite charges.

These convergences are not an anomaly in the history of science, but they are obvious if the men really want to understand the nature, and now the photon with a spirit of free thinkers more interested in reality and less in dogmas imposed by previous theories of main-stream that have shown their incompleteness or fallacy precisely in the inability to make understand the photon and not only.

The Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon (MODEC I abbreviate it in my writings) can not really be reconciled with Modern Physics, but it becomes the key to understanding the mistakes and problems of all modern theoretical physics and it helps to find out where physics of our centuries have deviated from reality, what I have called "the great original sin of Modern Physics", or "Maxwell's Error", without, however specifying, that this desires to question, in any case, the exceptional Maxwell's equations predictions, indeed the exact opposite as you will be understand,

here two links in English:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/letters-about-maxwell-s-error-and-the-double-helicoidal-model-of-the-photon.html

only a mistake in Maxwell of understanding the power of his own magnificent Equations that, if not done, would have made possible to understand how they could already predict the existence of the photon with MODEC structure, and hence the quantization itself, what it is and how it descends from classical physics and by the quantization of electric charge, and so much else in the direction of correction of Relativity, today indispensable, and in the direction of the understanding of the true physical significance of Planck Units, and so on.

I have put so much of all my studies online, but much of this is in my native Italian language, but, I imagine, it will be easy, for you, to translate using online translators.

I would point you to my web site, where I reported a lot, including what in my blog you already know:

link to my new web-site: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/fiat-lux-il-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

home page: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html 

From the menu you can access the various paragraphs and from there, also, to my two pdfs,

one you already know in English:


and this one in Italian and very interesting also this:


P.S. If you are interested in pure mathematics, and especially in the prime numbers, I will also point you to this other my study


-) http://lamatrixdeinumeriprimi.altervista.org/?doing_wp_cron=1510264997.3561460971832275390625

-) http://lamatrixdeinumeriprimi.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LA-SCALA-DI-DIO-dei-NUMERI-PRIMI-di-Oreste-Caroppo.pdf

It is always a great pleasure to know free thinkers and researchers of the truth who want to understand, reveal, with the observation and intellect, the mysteries of Nature!

Great regards

   Oreste Caroppo



With the discovery of the "Maxwell’s Error" the “Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon” does not have to ask permission to Modern Physics but it has to say: "let me pass, go aside!"

The Electric Dipolar Double-Helicoidal Dynamic Model of the Photon (“MODEC” I abbreviate it in my writings), with its great ability to make the physics of light intelligible, can not really be reconciled with Modern Physics, but it becomes the key to understanding the mistakes and problems of all modern theoretical physics and it helps to find out where physics of our centuries have deviated from reality, what I have called "the great original sin of Modern Physics", or "Maxwell's Error", without, however specifying, that this desires to question, in any case, the exceptional Maxwell's equations predictions, indeed the exact opposite as you will be understand, here two links in English:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/letters-about-maxwell-s-error-and-the-double-helicoidal-model-of-the-photon.html

only a mistake in Maxwell of understanding the power of his own magnificent Equations that, if not done, would have made possible to understand how they could already predict the existence of the photon with MODEC structure, and hence the quantization itself, what it is and how it descends from classical physics and by the quantization of electric charge, and so much else in the direction of correction of Relativity, today indispensable, and in the direction of the understanding of the true physical significance of Planck Units, and so on.



-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-relatività-ristretta-finalmente-corretta-attraverso-la-guida-illuminante-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html


The paradox of the detection of so-called "gravitational waves" by means of laser light:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-della-rilevazione-delle-cosiddette-onde-gravitazionali-per-mezzo-della-luce-di-laser.html


The Gravitational Red-Shift reread in light of the Photon Double Helicoidal Model (MODEC):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-red-shift-gravitazionale-riletto-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html


The Paradox of the Black Hole and of the electrical interaction mediated (?) by the photons; a paradox, I have formulated, which converges in the direction of the new vision of the electric and magnetic field that emerges from the MODEC (Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-del-buco-nero-e-dell-interazione-elettrica-mediata-dai-fotoni-.html


Unveiled the Mysteries of the Natural Units of Planck thanks to the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon (MODEC)

and also the convergence towards the Poynting Vector of classical electromagnetism starting from MODEC

-) PDF with mathematical formulas http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Le_Unita__naturali_di_Planck_comprese_attraverso_il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/svelati-i-misteri-delle-unità-naturali-di-planck-grazie-al-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-valore-del-campo-elettrico-del-singolo-fotone-nel-suo-centro-di-massa.html


The concept of Quantization arising from the discovery of the Photon deeply physically understood now in light of the Helicoidal Double Model (MODEC)

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-concetto-di-quantizzazione-scaturito-dalla-scoperta-del-fotone-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale.html



-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/come-il-modec-prevede-materia-ed-antimateria-del-tipo-elettrone-positrone-con-le-loro-caratteristiche-di-spin-carica-e-u.html


FOR OTHER DEEPENINGS ABOUT MODEC (Electric Dipolar Double-Helicoidal Dynamic Model of the Photon)

I have put so much of all my studies online, but much of this is in my native Italian language, but, I imagine, it will be easy, for you, to translate in your language using online translators, (for example translate by Google Translate program at https://translate.google.com/#it/en).

I would point you to my web site, where I reported a lot, including what in my blog you already know:

link to my new web-site: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/fiat-lux-il-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html home page: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html

From the menu you can access the various paragraphs and from there, also, to my two pdfs with math formulas,

one in English about the MODEC: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf


THE ETHER OF MAXWELL?! And the POLARIZATION of VACUUM in the light of the Photon Double Helicoidal Model (MODEC):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/l-etere-di-maxwell-e-la-polarizzazione-del-vuoto-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html


FINE-STRUCTURE CONSTANT and PLANCK CONSTANT express properties related to vacuum, the discovery through the MODEC (the Photon Double Helicoidal Model):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-costante-di-struttura-fine-e-la-costante-di-planck-esprimono-proprietà-legate-al-vuoto-la-scoperta-tramite-il-modec.html


Why did the discovery of the Photon already demonstrate the validity of its MODEC discovered today, making it even indispensable for its own correct and full description?!

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/perché-la-scoperta-del-fotone-già-dimostrava-la-validità-del-suo-modec-scoperto-oggi-.html


QUESTIONS on the Photon to which the MODEC (Photon Double Helicoidal Model) answers:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/questioni-interrogative-sul-fotone-cui-il-modec-risponde.html



To know more in what the discovered and defined here "Maxwell’s Error" or "the Great Original Sin of Modern Physics" regards:

-)   http://fiatlux.altervista.org/l-errore-di-maxwell-il-grande-peccato-originale-della-fisica-moderna.html 


Deepening on the relationships between Maxwell's Equations and the Photon Double Helicoidal Model (MODEC):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/approfondimento-sui-rapporti-tra-le-equazioni-di-maxwell-e-il-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html 

The value of the electric field of the single photon in its center of mass calculated thanks to the MODEC, the indication of an amazing convergence between the Equations of the Electromagnetic Waves of Maxwell and the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon (MODEC):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-valore-del-campo-elettrico-del-singolo-fotone-nel-suo-centro-di-massa.html?cb=1516734993221


Here in English, to begin with:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html

Other more easily translatable texts in Italian:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/l-errore-di-maxwell-il-grande-peccato-originale-della-fisica-moderna.html

Summary poster about it:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/alterpages/ilgrandepeccatooriginaledellafisicacontemporanea.jpg#gallery



The atom is usually neutral, yet it can give us electrons that have a negative elementary charge and can show us in its nucleus positive elementary electric charges,

and it is accepted without problems that, when the atom appears neutral at a distance, in it there are positive charges and negative charges of equal number but not annihilated between them, that is such as to constitute a charge distribution in the space by which innumerable chemical properties of the atom itself, and therefore of the element it represents, depend.

Even the photon usually appears neutral, but in some phenomena, as in the case of the phenomena called "generation of matter and antimatter", indeed from the photon negative and positive elementary electrical charges derive, carried by an electron and a positron respectively, yet no one dared, neither dare today, in submitting to the mainstream of current Physics, to imagine a zero charge distribution but with charges not completely annihilated within the photon structure when it exists and is propagating in the vacuum at speed c, the speed of light in vacuum;

worse, yet no one dared to imagine a structure of the photon itself; the photon was considered intrinsically neutral, that is, without discrete charge distribution with zero algebraic sum nevertheless, and no one has ever really dared to attack this idea before the theories of the Electric Dipole Double-Helicoidal Model of the Photon.

These theories, however, considered, and considerable to date, heretical only because the dogma of the perfect charge neutrality of the photon is based on the uncovered error of Maxwell, an error that today I have lucidly discovered, and is a mathematical and physical error together, and what can be more solid and more fundamental than all of this, so that today we must proceed to the acceptance of this revolution in Physics, which legitimizes the MODEC (Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon) and guides in the direction of the correction of Physics Modern !?

Moreover, the discovery of the photon, today we understand, was, (on the day after the discovery of the elementary charge of the electron), the result of the crucial experiment that Maxwell's error already posed then if it had been learned, and which implied that if the photon existed it could only have structural dipolar characteristics in its overall neutrality. Result that already allowed to understand the existence of antimatter. In the absence of the discovery, then, of Maxwell 's Error, the overall observed neutrality of the photon instead reinforced the psychological impediment to notice the error!

To this end, for these concepts, add the reading of this easily translatable article:

-)  http://fiatlux.altervista.org/perché-la-scoperta-del-fotone-già-dimostrava-la-validità-del-suo-modec-scoperto-oggi-.html

You have the psychological advantage of being able to profoundly understand the error now from these my articles because you have posed like me a question to you, that the error has prevented everyone, except to "a few heretics" rebels, lovers more of the logic that of the imposed norm, the question is "What is the structure of the photon?", with the confidence in the heart that an explanatory structure should exist, though modern Physics has hidden its errors in the dogma, not always explicit, of the photon as a point, which did not allow any mechanical explication of its various although evident and empirically and theoretically known physical properties!

I invite you to read also the other articles on my website, as I also collect a series of experiments that have been done over the years on the photon and that, as unexplained results with the mainstream theory, also embarrassing for this, they are also little known, but they are experiments that are all explained or are consistent with the physics that emerges from Modec (and the related discovery of Maxwell's Error), and that consequently further support the new Physics implicated by Modec.

Collection of various concepts on the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/raccolta-di-concetti-vari-sul-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

The MODEC in “pills” to start understanding it:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-modec-in-pillole-per-iniziare-a-comprenderlo.html

The convergences in the verse of the Photon MODEC:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/le-convergenze-nel-verso-del-modec-del-fotone.html



Courses and recourses in the history of Science

When the Earth was believed to be in the center of the Universe and Newton's Law of Gravitation was not known, however, regularities in the Cosmos were noticed and men attempted to explain or better describe them obviously using mathematics and using regularities and symmetric perfections, already known in it, such as the shape of the sphere and the Platonic solids, with scarce descriptive results.

Instead, when the Sun was placed at the center and the other planets, including Earth, were imagined revolving around it, the description was better, simpler than the description of the motions of the planets by placing the Earth at the center; it was, however, a question above all related to the description of the motion, but it was the discovery of Newton's Law of Gravitation the element that allowed instead to explain and describe with great precision the celestial mechanics, without those less useful mathematical constructs that had been developed, previously, in the gap of a full understanding of the underlying physical laws.

Today we are experiencing something equally revolutionary with the discovery of Maxwell's Error: since it had not been noticed, from Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic radiations-waves were interpreted as having no constituent corpuscles and everywhere neutral; when corpuscles (the photons) were discovered instead in the electromagnetic waves, necessary to understand some physical phenomena (as the radiation of black body or the photoelectric effect), they were hypothesized intimately neutral to conciliate them with the expected and observed neutrality for the waves electromagnetic, but with the consequence of a breakage however with the Classical Physics arrived at the Equations of Maxwell, because it was believed that they were not compatible with the existence of those photonic corpuscles.

On the contrary, when we find the Error of Maxwell today, we discover that those Equations of Maxwell, and of the electromagnetic radiations (electromagnetic waves) too, were perfectly able to predict the existence of photonic corpuscles in that radiations, but in addition pointing out on one side their overall neutrality, but also on the other side the presence in them at the structural level of a charge distribution of at least dipolar type, practically the double helicoidal model of the photon described by the Modec theory, in accordance with the overall electromagnetic wave neutrality macroscopically speaking!

The error, in short, was the interpretation of the meaning of a null algebraic sum of charges as if it were an arithmetic sum (of their absolute values), interpretative inattention, therefore, as much mathematics as physics with extraordinarily enormous consequences!

This is a physical and mathematical boulder that falls on the theoretical physics of the last, approximately, 150 years!

Now you can no longer pretend nothing and move on as if nothing had happened!

In about 150 years since the discovery of Maxwell's equations to date, it is precisely not having understood the basic physical characteristics of electromagnetic radiation due to the unseen error, which brought theoretical physics, in front of the regularities shown by nature experimentally with the continuation of research, trying to make use of the regularity and symmetry studied by mathematics to try to create valid models that well describe the empirical reality. Mathematical constructs derive from this approach, which, as in the case of pre-Copernican Ptolemaic physics to describe celestial mechanics, can give some results but with the limit of not being able to really describe how reality is made and with a consequent nebulosity and clumsiness theoretical and mathematical of the tools and models developed, even with tendencies towards a dogmatic approach.

The discovery of Maxwell's Error, together with the Double Helical Model of the photon, therefore represents that clarifying modification of the point of view on reality and the discovery of those new laws and principles that redefine the lost simplicity of Nature from which to start again!


Thank you so much, Wes Johnson, for your appreciation.

You have perfectly grasped the profound meaning of the question when you say:

“I like your MODEC and especially the foundation of the duality of the photon missed by so many great minds in physics.”

Considering also your interests and your cultural sensibility I will point out these two investigations where, after what I have tackled on solid mathematical and physical feet in other chapters, I venture into the field of symbolic anthropological suggestions inspired by MODEC and also in the direction of hypothesizing possible future research in the field of biology taking in considertion the MODEC of the photon!


-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/suggestioni-antropologiche-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

The Double Helical Model of the Photon and the Biology (DNA):

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone-e-la-biologia-dna-.html

Great Greetings!


Here you can find a lot of considerations about mass, relativistic mass and rest mass of the photon and in reference with the Electric Dipolar Double-Helix Superluminal Model of the Photon, and also about the formula E=mc2 of the Italien Olinto de Pretto who arrived at it before of Einstein and by other speculations, and it is important now that I found an error in modern physics which conditioned unawares all the physicists contemporary and subsequent to Maxwell, and the developments of the Relativistic Theories too:

Collection of various concepts on the Double Helical Model of the Photon (MODEC)

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/raccolta-di-concetti-vari-sul-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

See here pag. 22 too, and not only:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf


It is the first time, or almost, that something similar happens in the history of science, another comparison can be made with what happened in the Pythagorean sect-school which initially founded its philosophy of nature on whole numbers, but which entered into crisis when its disciples themselves discovered the existence of irrational numbers that its philosophy had not conceived and even rejected. It is said that the discovery of irrational numbers caused great tensions among the Pythagoreans and even so many of them tried to stop its disclosure initially. Now it's the same. Who really will accept immediately the discovery of the existence of an error that affects the Modern Physics for about 150 years ?! As a peer review for this is not immediate to obtain, my article, my book in the world, "urbi et orbi" disclosed, is now this website:


-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html

that is circulating among the thirsty for truth as the "De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium" of Copernicus circulated. Also Nicholas Copernicus (1473 - 1543) first spreaded a shorter work with his theories and his discoveries, the "Commentariolus" called, as well as, before my website above, I divulged my first works in this my blog, that you, Richard, met on the internet:

"Caroppo's photon model"

-) http://caroppophotonmodel.blogspot.it

Different times, different means of communication and divulgation, but always the same need to share, with the curious, own exciting discoveries and discordant with the mainstream of the time. Now already on my site "Fiat Lux" I collect many experiments that all go in the direction of the confirmation of Modec, for example many of them you find indicated here:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/le-convergenze-nel-verso-del-modec-del-fotone.html

But the power of the discovery of Maxwell's Error is so great that, as here I treat and show, it was the same discovery of the photon that represents the result of the crucial experiment that shows that it must have a structure with discrete electric charge distribution at null sum, as in the Modec:

Why did the discovery of the Photon already demonstrate the validity of its MODEC discovered today?

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/perché-la-scoperta-del-fotone-già-dimostrava-la-validità-del-suo-modec-scoperto-oggi-.html

A great fear is now wandering in the departments of physics of the world and in large international laboratories: "there is a bug, a fundamental error in all modern physics!" Now we, who have recognized the great elegance and the explanatory power of the electric double helicoidal model of the photon, must divulge this: the discovery of Maxwell's Error; after a certain psychological resentment, inevitably we will have a full opening towards Modec for the overall correction of physics and to start again, leaving the quagmire where theoretical physics is today! Moreover, even the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics has imposed a dogmatic vision aimed at preventing further investigations into the foundations of physics; but today that its defenses have been wandering finding a physical and mathematical flaw in its foundations, the strongholds build can not hold! In this way it will be possible to go back together to make a physical physics again, again philosophical, again open to nature, not to the defense of claudicating theories called "elegant", but in fact not even such! And important and stimulating questions, such as those made about the nature of the electric charge by Joseph, will return to citizenship in physics so that we proceed further in research, in speculation, in the discovery, with speeches again "worthy of the Plane trees" the Greeks would have said, and, as after Copernico, also now so many other Naturalists can contribute to built the new physics of Nature of this new millennium! Now we work to spread the knowledge of the error in modern physics to contemporary physicists and to everyone, so that together all humanity can then start again on foundations more solid, recognizing those principles imposed dogmatically without too much physical foundation in the developments of theoretical physics affected by error in the last 150 years or so! Cordially Thanks to You!



The discovery of Maxwell 's Error urges us to bring back the hands of the clock of physics necessarily about 150 years ago, in order to start from there on a more solid physical foundation.

When I say that, after the discovery of Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equations, the subsequent discovery of the existence of the photon, which has occurred for other paths, represents for us today a proof of the validity of Modec, I mean that, since we know this error today, that existence of the photon is a proof of the validity of the importance of that error, which, today understood, allows us to understand how the existence of the photon is not an aspect in rupture with classical Physics which had come to Maxwell, but a prediction instead of this classical Physics, but the presence of the unseen error, in the theoretical interpretive framework that was formulated, prevented to grasp, with catastrophic consequences on the theoretical thought, developed from then on.

Also for this reason, in developing the theory of the the double helicoidal photon model, it is important not to use, as far as possible, developments of the subsequent theoretical physics if they are clearly contaminated by the unseen error.

Since Maxwell's error had consequences on the conception of emptiness, leading Einstein to deny any existence of an ether in the vacuum, (though we now know that the same conception of the luminiferous aether developed by Maxwell was itself affected by the unseen error), theories of Relativistic physics should be taken with caution; the Modec instead makes us see how it is to consider the hypothesis of the existence in the vacuum of a neutral ether altogether but electrically polarizable, a vision in some ways converging with what, also experimental evidence, suggested as necessary also to the theoretical developments of the Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), although the physical theory, that suggest the Modec with the discovery also of the error of Maxwell, moves away from some basic assumptions of the QED, as for example the idea that the electric and magnetic field are mediated by photons, because instead we discover that the electric and magnetic fields are at the base of the same structure of the photon, for a new conception that returns to the classical pre-Maxwell conception, therefore, of the electric and magnetic interactions as non-local interactions at distance, and no longer instead local interactions as in the conception of the QED.

If they had realized immediately the error of Maxwell it would be understood how the same equations of the electromagnetic waves, correctly read, did not imply a local interaction but simply the existence in the electromagnetic radiation of a granular structure, of photonic type precisely, but with photons as in the Modec understood and partly described simplistically in the case of isolated photon; granules which are themselves sources of the electric and magnetic fields of the e,m. waves through the electrical charges constituting their structure and which accompany in its existence and propagation the electromagnetic wave-radiation which is the same entity with them.

See also the paradox about the black hole and the electric interaction mediated by photons I formulated,

you find it in this link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-del-buco-nero-e-dell-interazione-elettrica-mediata-dai-fotoni-.html 

A non-local nature of the electric field, (a nature of interaction at a distance), which today also finds experimental foundations as developed in the Frascati laboratories in Rome and as I have reported in my writings in links,

see the link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1211.2913 

In the various experimental paths that Modec suggests, there is for example that of examining how the intensity of the electric field of an elementary charge, perceived at a distance from it in a fixed position, changes when it is accelerated, (or even between two charges when they are both accelerated equally), in the vacuum towards velocities close to those of light, since the increase of this speed could already be affected by the inertia to the polarization of the void, which is an important concept also within the Modec, where it is believed that it makes felt its major effects in coincidence of luminal and/or superluminal velocities.

“c” is the module of the velocity of light in the vacuum, it is the speed with which the photon translates in vacuum, in the case of Modec too, but each sub-particle of the photon in the Modec has a superluminal speed equal to c multiplied by the square root of 2.

I hope, from the greater diffusion of our discussions and the growing curiosity about these new theoretical frameworks of physics, a growing interest of experimental physicists precisely in the direction of further demonstration-falsification of these new theoretical visions, imagining and carrying out experiments in this sense, as well as theoretical physicists to deepen the consequences of what has already been developed here.

Returning to the discourse of the importance of not using within the Modec the results of theoretical physics that were evidently unknowingly compromised by the unseen Maxwell’s error, I want to consider here the use within the Modec theory of the famous equivalence of Einstein E=mc^2 and to show how in reality it is valid for photons and can be obtained independently by Einstein's Relativistic Theories; not by chance, perhaps, this equation was proposed already in 1903-1904, then just before Einstein, by the Italian scholar Olinto de Pretto, as I mentioned in my "Fiat Lux" website;

Olinto speaks, with regard to this formula, of "particles of aether" supposed by him traveling at a speed equal to that of light in a vacuum; a concept, that of "particles of ether", which can make us think to our photons as they emerge from Modec, which seems to imply or at least suggest the existence of a void that is not completely empty.

But beyond this reference to Olinto de Pretto, we observe how the electromagnetic theory that derives from the Maxwell equations allows to attribute to the electromagnetic wave the transport in the vacuum of momentum in its propagation direction of module p equal to p = E/c, where E is the energy that it carries.

The unseen error of Maxwell led to not understanding as such e.m. radiation was made of corpuscles, so none, or almost, imagined, until the discovery of photons, that the wave e.m. also carried mass, that of those massive corpuscles of its constituents.

If, on the other hand, the electromagnetic radiation-wave is considered to be made up of corpuscles, ("quant" or "photons" called), in reference to a radiation composed of only one of them, we would have a momentum p equal to p=mv=mc with “c” the velocity of light in the vacuum, so from the equality E/c=mc, we would already have E=mc^2!

This equality E=mc^2 is also valid in the case of Modec where the two sub-particle components of the photon are equipped not only with translational motion at speed in module "c", but also with rotary components, but such between them for which the contribution to the momentum of overall motion, linked to the rotary motion, is vectorially eluted.

This concrete real mass of the photon coincides, therefore, with what becomes the relativistic mass for the photon in Einstein, and modern physics has even had difficulty in understanding what mass to treat as real for the photon:

it is this mass, which is not null in the photon, (and which coincides in Einstein with the relativistic mass), the mass physically significant for the photon, which is also its gravitational mass, and thanks to which phenomena such as the curvature of the light rays close to stars, gravitational lens effects, the existence black holes, gravitational red shift, etc. they do not need a theory of space-time inflected by the masses according to the conceptions of General Relativity to be predicted and understood, as in my website I write and show!

In the photon an existential basis is the pair of complementary elementary electric charges, (+ e, -e); they appear as those basic quantized physical entities, because the electric charge is quantized as it was discovered before the photon was discovered. Thanks to the Modec we now understand that the quantization of the electric charge explains and makes better understand any other quantization, starting from the existence of the photon itself, which is no longer an entity in itself, but a derivation of the quantization and existence of the electric charge!

This is another of the great successes of Modec in the direction of unification and simplification in physics, what previously appeared to be separated now is rediscovered united, it has always happened so in the great steps of the Sciences!

See also the link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-concetto-di-quantizzazione-scaturito-dalla-scoperta-del-fotone-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale.html

Not only that, the symmetry between the pair of complementary electrical charges, (-e, + e), also appears through the Modec, (much more and better than the Dirac equation), as the foundation of the existence of matter and anti-matter, for an equipartition between them of the mass-energy in order to generate the dynamically stable structure of the photon.

See also thst link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/come-il-modec-prevede-materia-ed-antimateria-del-tipo-elettrone-positrone-con-le-loro-caratteristiche-di-spin-carica-e-u.html 

For to the characteristics of generable electrons and positrons starting from photons of sufficient energy, the polarization of the vacuum certainly plays a role to deepen ... that for future developments!


This mass m=E/(c^2) of the photon is obviously also the inertial mass of the photon, (in fact, it is also the inertial mass in its derivation from the momentum of the electromagnetic radiation, as shown above), equally repatiated between its sub-particles provided in Modec, for the dynamics that connotes the mechanics of the photon structure in the Modec theory.

And for the equivalence between inertial and gravitational mass we can see how using it as a gravitational mass we can explain numerous astronomical phenomena without the need to get "to bend the space", as in the speculations to which Einstein was induced instead, always also by the not noticed Error of Maxwell.

And I remember that the equivalence between inertial mass and gravitational mass, which Einstein also uses for the construction of his theory of General Relativity, is not an Einsteinian conquest but an equivalence observation already well known to classical physics.

Look in this PDF, here at link:


the parts in which the dynamics of the photon is treated in the double helicoidal model, but also those in which we obtain, with comparison with the Special Relativity, a null rest mass for the photon, even in the Modec structure, in agreement then with the null value of the rest mass in the Special Relativity for the luminal particles such as the photon (page 22).

Also important, when discussing the Modec, to observe how I take into account, as necessary, in addition to the interaction represented by the Coulomb electric force, also the magnetic interaction represented by the Lorentz force, which, I obtain (pages 30-33), is annulled precisely in the structural configuration characterizing the double helicoidal model in dynamic equilibrium emerging from this theory for the photon, with all the extraordinary successes of the description of the photon and of the understanding of the physics that it entails.

I want to focus on the two semi-particles of the photon, and point out as they represent the base, or are the consequence, for the existence in the universe of matter and antimatter.

In Dirac's theory, the mathematical results of his equation, not initially physically understood, have been used to explain the subsequent experimental discovery of the electron antiparticle: the positron. But with the Dirac equation we can attribute to matter and antimatter masses equal in absolute value, but of opposite sign, and this is not immediate to treat and understand physically, since that negative mass could make one think of existence of anti-gravity that experimentally has never been observed; vice versa, the Modec attributes to matter and antimatter the same positive mass-energy and elementary charge equal in absolute value but opposite in the sign, all this much more consistent with what matter and antimatter showed once experimentally observed in the form of the electron and the positron!

In front of the beauty of the Modec theory, the words of the English physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, (1902 - 1984), come to mind to us, however: Dirac assigned to the concept of mathematical beauty a prominent role among the fundamental aspects of Nature, so much that he said that a theory, which includes mathematical beauty, it's more likely to be right and correct compared to an unpleasant theory, even if confirmed by experimental data!



Moreover Planck's Natural Units and their mathematical relationships were discovered "playing" with the fundamental constants of physics, but instead Modec allowed to obtain them and to obtain the mathematical relationship existing between them starting from the physics of the unveiled structure of the photon, and with the addition of the consideration, in the double-helix physical-mathematical model of the photon, of the gravitational interaction between the two constituent semi-particles of the photon, considering precisely as gravitational mass for them their inertial mass, (the masses related to the total energy of the photon through the relation expressing the momentum of the electromagnetic radiation);

see the PDF at the link: 

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Le_Unita__naturali_di_Planck_comprese_attraverso_il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf 

and at this link its presentation:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/svelati-i-misteri-delle-unità-naturali-di-planck-grazie-al-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html.

Regarding the Natural Units of Planck, one of the many great merits of Modec is that of solving and understanding one of the greatest enigmas of modern physics, that is the extraordinary proximity in quantitative terms between the value of the Elementary Electric Charge and the value of the Planck Charge which is given, this last, starting from fundamental constants of physics different from the Elementary Charge itself.

We understand well today the relationship between these two values of charge comprising precisely the double helicoidal super-luminal electric dipolar structure of the photon, and the importance that in it assumes the inertia to the electrical polarization of the vacuum-ether.

All this is at the base of the physical meaning, which today we finally understand better thanks to the Modec, of the Constant of Fine Structure, whose true physical meaning is connected,

(see also the mathematical formulas on pages 8 and 11 in the above-referenced PDF, in which it is expressed by the Elementary Charge and by the Planck Charge multiplied by the square root of 2),

to the effects of the vacuum-ether of different shielding on the same background charge depending on whether it has the possibility of polarizing itself electrically, or not, (or only partially), in relation to its inertia to the polarization! This is what Modec seems to suggest to us on the relationship between vacuum-ether and photon.

In reality, today, we can say that this mystery of a quantitative proximity between the Elementary Charge and the Planck Charge could already lead physicists to investigate the verse of an electronic structure with spatial distribution of charge, possibly discrete, even if altogether with null algebraic sum , for the photon, but if they have not dared so much, or if, even having dared, they have not succeeded in imposing this model, it is simply because they had not yet discovered the Error of Maxwell, the great busillis of modern physics!


Look here at this translation in english of my summary about Maxwell's Error:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/alterpages/thegreatoriginalsinofmodernphysics.jpg

You can find it also inside this other link:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html

My photon model, and the general theory developed around it, in this first phase of its development did not require a redefinition of the basic concepts of classical physics;

on the contrary, he has shown epistemologically that it is modern physics that needs redefinition and correction, where it has not noticed, with its damage, the so-called Maxwell's Error.

In my theory, then, Columb Force (Electric Field), Lorentz Force (Magnetic Field), Elementary Electric Charge, and Vacuum properties, all together show how the Photon is generated; photon whose existence is the true foundation of every quantization that modern physics has attempted to study, now we understand it even better, but we also understand now that the photon brings its essence back to the quantization of the electric charge only as prime fundamental principle!

The Modec shows how the perfect structure of the double helix with 45° helix angle of the photon is grounded in the forces of Coulomb and Lorentz, a structure not investigated and yet there under the eyes almost of all, but not searched, nor studied and neither found because in violation of relativistic principles on the speed limit set in c ... but Relativity has been built on the unseen Maxwell’s Error we now know, as all modern physics!

Since the Force of Coulomb and the Force of Lorentz have foundation in the electric charges, the Modec, to date, does not theorize any magnetic monopole, and it is not surprising that the magnetic monopole, theorized by certain developments of modern physics affected by the unseen Error of Maxwell, has never been observed in Nature!


I want to highlight as there have been some attempts in theoretical physics, always inspired by an attempt at unification in physics, which have also tried to bring back the force of gravity, the origin of the masses, etc. to electric forces; without entering into the merits of them and judging the results of those approaches, it is important to make a distinction, from the point of view of what we can define the heuristic history, for what characterized the Modec Theory: in this last theory it was not a primacy given initially to the electric field that inspired the developments, but we started from a more general and less prejudicial departure question, that is "what is the structure of the photon that explains all its properties?". And it was the answer to this question that showed the primary value of the quantization of the electric charge, as well as guided towards the discovery of the Error of Maxwell and the necessity therefore of a revision of the last 150 years of theoretical physics! And this is an "explosive" result in itself, before the use of any language to express it!


With the discovery of Maxwell's Error we discover that

"Modern theoretical physics in its development ended up losing physics"

It is epistemologically very improper to use theoretical ideas following the Error of Maxwell and affected by it to criticize the Double helicoidal model of the photon which is instead constructed taking into account or however in such a way as to have allowed to discover that error.

Now also the Modec passes in second place in its peculiarities,

now it is who wants to do apology of modern physics that has to deal with its foundations in which today a leak as big as almost its fundamental itself has found, a mathematical and physical together bug in the heart of physics!!

Here in PDF the summary on Maxwell Error: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/THE_GREAT_ORIGINAL_SIN_OF_MODERN_PHYSICS-scheme_summary.pdf 


The Theory of Modec finally offers us the possibility to better understand physically why if a particle moves at high speed, compared to our inertial reference system, almost close to the speed of light, and emits a photon, we will see that photon always propagate with velocity c, the velocity of light in the void, as if it were emitted by a still particle, and therefore not affected by any composition of vector sum with the velocity of the particle emitting the photon, as instead happens for the speed of the bullet fired by a still gun or a gun placed on a running car.

This is because the phenomenon of generating a photon and its intimately related propagation do not depend only on the possible source but are closely linked to the vacuum-ether that constrains the photon, to exist, to be propagated only and only at that speed c of translation with respect to it, and here we are imagining that our inertial reference system is linked with this ether.

(Note that the superluminality of the Modec in any case regards the total velocity of its single components, but on the whole the double helicoidal structure of the photon in its center of mass translates in a straight line to c, the speed of light in vacuum, as it must be!)

A bit as if, compared to us, a person cries while standing still or from a train agoing, the speed of the sound-voice in the air as medium will always be the same for us!

Or as if, from a racing car with a torch, a field of wheat is ignited, the propagation of the fire in it will not depend on the speed of the car but by characteristics related to the field, (or even external like the wind), however independent from the car.

Possible for the photon a parallelism with the step phenomena connected to the inertia to the polarization in the dielectric materials, relative to their response to high frequency electrical signals.

For further information:

THE ETERN OF MAXWELL ?! And the VACUUM POLARIZATION in the light of the Photon Double Helical Model

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/l-etere-di-maxwell-e-la-polarizzazione-del-vuoto-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

For further information on the topic inertial reference system based on the ether:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-relatività-ristretta-finalmente-corretta-attraverso-la-guida-illuminante-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html



Let's tackle again the theme of the experimental verification of the double helicoidal model of the photon (Modec).

Let's start with the first mono-helical photon model you proposed, Richard, as we also find here on Academa.edu

in this your 2013 Power Point, link:

-) https://www.academia.edu/26020477/A_Transluminal_Energy_Quantum_Model_of_the_Cosmic_Quantum_--_Powerpoint

or in this your article in PDF of 2006 to which you refer in your bibliographies here:

-) http://www.superluminalquantum.org/dallaspaper

It was a photon conceived as point and neutral, but traveling with helical motion with an helix angle of 45°, (from the kinematic point of view for a photon of the same wavelength, it has the same characteristics of only one of the two helices of the double helix of the Modec).

Now this involves an intrinsic super-luminality for the motion of this hypothesized photon. This aspect represents the main difficulty in reconciling it with Modern Physics.

In it, there is a good need to make a property linked to the photon kinematics the wavelength that is attributed to the photon, but that Modern Physics can not really bind from the electromagnetic wave to the photon its constituent, the constituent of the e.m. radiation.

Moreover, it is a first model that pursues the good need to bind the spin of the photon to motion in the three-dimensional space of the photon itself, something that Modern Physics is not able to do.

But it is a model that is dynamically inadmissible even in Classical Physics.

From there, if I understood correctly, you passed to image the electron as a sort of photon but no longer neutral but electrically charged in its constituent point.

With the evolution towards a double helical model like the one in this PDF here of 2017 on Accsademia.edu, link:

-) https://www.academia.edu/s/16109ceabf/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-composite-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant

instead, it converges, de facto, for the photon to the Dipolar Electric Superluminal Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon in my Modec Theory.

With this double helicoidal model the problems of dynamics disappear, and the kinematics of the photon finds support in the dynamic equilibrium that the only Classical Physics come up to Maxwell (with the addition of the discovery of the Elementary Electric Charge) allows.

The explanatory abilities of the photon and electromagnetic field (e.m.) become enormous with the Modec, solving also the otherwise impenetrable dogma of the photon wave-particle duality, the link between photon and electric and magnetic fields of the electro-magnetic wave, the physical origin of the relation E=hv, the spin, the kinematic physicality of the wavelength of the photon, etc. etc.

Now the electron is no longer conceivable as a special photon negatively charged, as I believe I understand in your past works Richard, but rather, in case, as originating from only one part of the two constituent parts of a photon, (the negatively charged one), and this even more in accordance with the possible appearance of antimatter-matter, the production of electron-positron couple, just from a photon as observed experimentally. Another great theoretical understanding capacity now offered by the Modec Theory!

In comparison with Modern Physics, however, in spite of this increasing explicative capacity of the experimental and theoretical reality of the individual independent photon, but also of the e.m. radiation more generally, the problems that arise in the attempt to reconcile the Double helicoidal model with the Modern Physics increase even more!

Not only because of the intrinsic superluminality of the two components of the photon in Modec, but also because it violates the dogma of the intrinsic electrical neutrality of the photon, the dogma of the mono-pointformity of the photon, the idea of Quantum Electrodynamics of the field electric as mediated by photons is violated, the Einstein’s idea of a cosmos with only local interactions and therefore not at a distance is violated, and the idea always affirmed by Einstein of the need for a total repudiation of any ether in the vacuum is violated, etc., as the insights of Modec, which I developed in its consequences from 2005 to today, show, see:

-) link: http://caroppophotonmodel.blogspot.it

-) link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org

After discovering the Double helicoidal model of the photon with its elegance and its extreme explanatory capacity, the discoverer is fascinated by its perfect gear that explains so many aspects that were previously obscure and from its precision that comes from the only physics and mathematics but convergent with so many philosophical, magical and artistic suggestions of sacred geometry developed in the history of humanity.

Now being passed from this path, I know that at the beginning, and I can think that the same thing is for you now Richard, the researcher is taken by this attempt to try how to do that the Modec be accepted by the scientific community, studying how to reconcile it with Modern Physics without too to contradict this last one.

But I can say on the basis of my research over the years that it is a vain enterprise,

until one finds out, as with the Modec guide I was able to do in 2014, Maxwell's Error, which is a physical and mathematical error together!

At that point everything changes, also from the point of view of the psychology of the researcher of physics, the naturalist, at that point everyone can understand that this irreconcilability is because it is the Modern Physics to reveal itself affected by error!

Precisely for those who understand the electric dipolar double helicoidal model of the photon, then it is easier to immediately grasp the profound sense of Maxwell's Error, and it is no wonder that I found people here, like you Richard, who immediately understood what I wrote to explain this Maxwell Error:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon- .html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/THE_GREAT_ORIGINAL_SIN_OF_MODERN_PHYSICS-scheme_summary.pdf

I have also already listed several experiments, some that were without explanation, that today find explanation with Modec or confirm it or converge towards it and the physics of reality that is implicated by it.

But while I was looking in the direction of experimental physics and imagining further more specific experiments for the verification of Modec, and in the verse instead of theoretical physics I discovered Maxwell's Error,

what happened then?

It happened that in trying to confirm the Modec we get, in a sort of serendipity, to falsify the Modern Physics!

Having found this error in its foundations, a physical and mathematical error dating back to about 150 years ago, now those who want to keep intact the castle of Modern Physics must provide evidence that it does not have a fundamental error; but how can one ever prove that it is not so in the light of the very elementary mathematical nature of this error, and yet not seen for so long and by anyone really so much to understand and strongly affirm its discovery as necessary? Perhaps even escaped precisely because elementary.

But Nature, as Newton used to say, is simple, but Modern Physics, even in its non-comprehension of reality because of that error, has philosophically affirmed instead the concept of a complexity and not full intelligibility of Nature, attributing to Nature those that were instead, we find today, human theoretical errors!

The Modec now indicates the way to the correction of Modern Physics, with a new first unthinkable unification, (for example we cite here only, the reconduction, according to the criterion of Occam's Razor, of the photon to the quantization of the electric charge, and much more), and the best understanding of reality in the direction of future insights!

Now with Modec you do not have to ask permission to Modern Physics to pass, but you have to tell it to get to the side and correct itself!

And now we should spread everywhere that we have understood: there is an immense and very simple unseen to date mathematical and physical bug in the foundations of Modern Physics! It must be acknowledged without ifs and buts, to prevaricate over useless and is counterproductive for a true progress of the Sciences!

Great Greetings to All

   Oreste Caroppo


This is the Weltanschauung of physical Nature that emerges from the "Double-helix model of the photon" and from the discovery of "Maxwell's Error" the great original sin of the theory of Modern Physics!


Yes, the Modec Theory tells us that, as I wrote:

"At the base of the Cosmos there is no light but the bipolarity of the fundamental electrical charge that constitutes light (in my opinion)!"

extracted from

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/raccolta-di-concetti-vari-sul-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html


"Eppur è tutto nell' Errore di Maxwell!"

("Yet understanding is in Maxwell's error!")

I pararaded the famous phrase attributed to Galileo Galilei, who said "And yet he moves" against whom he wanted, that Galileo affirm the idea of ​​official manistream, which held that the Earth was fixed in the center of the cosmos.

The error of Maxwell, as in many of my writings I have taken advantage of, allows to understand a lot of what was nebulous before about the relationship between electromagnetic waves and photons, as it allows to admire the consistency of the Double Helical Model of the Photon with the new physics which must take into account the corrections made following the discovery of Maxwell's Error.

Now about the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel read in the light of Modec I wrote in one of the many points developed on this page on my site:

Collection of various concepts about the Double-Helix Model of the Photon

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/raccolta-di-concetti-vari-sul-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

On the page you are looking for "Principle of Huygens-Fresnel" to translate and find that point!


Standard Model has been formulated long after Maxwell's equations and therefore carries within it the Maxwell Error, of which it has not noticed, and many theoretical consequences of its propagation!
It is impossible to use it to judge an error that is carried in the breast and on which it was erected; a mistake that is at its foundation therefore!



they are linked to the description of the evolution in space and time of the photon structure, which Quantum Physics hides under the indeterminacy of the Heisenber's Uncertainty Principle which is now thus better understood in its meaning.

Link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-epr-e-il-teorema-di-bell-alla-luce-del-modec-per-una-nuova-comprensione-della-natura.html


About Modec and Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation, here I will post this my comment already posted in the discussion in Academia.edu:




Regarding Bell's Theorem, MODEC allows us to say that in Nature:

-) realism is in force, that is the principle of reality, eloquently summarized in the proposition “the Moon is there even if I do not watch it!”, in this agreeing with Einstein's vision. In fact, we do not see anything from the theoretical point of view that leads us theoretically to questioning this aspect;

-) we must acknowledge and accept the existence of interactions occurring at a distance, disagreeing in that sense from Einstein's vision and from the vision of QED (Quantum ElectroDynamics), and therefore we must abandon the principle of locality, (also according to what, according to some of its interpretations, Quantum Entanglement would suggest), what this, the MODEC shows us, certainly does not negate the fact that the photon travels translating altogether at finite velocity equal to c as we can see it experimentally and as it also comes from the predictions for electromagnetic radiation that the Equations of Maxwell make;

-) there are hidden variables in the MQ, (which thus reveals an incomplete theory), just think of the fact that, since the knowledge provided today by MODEC was absent, Quantum Mechanics (MQ), as to date developed, ignores, does not include and does not know the three-dimensional spatial structure, or even better, the space-time structure, of the photon, which is the quantum of foundation of MQ then; in MQ the photon is considered as a mono-punctiform but this leads to losing so much precise description of nature, losing photon three-dimensionality that well describes at all times the Modec for an isolated independent photon; all this leads us to a description that then in the MQ can only be approximated and where it is hidden what is the precise hourly spatial knowledge of the photon under the indeterminacy that in QM is quantified by the so-called Heisenberg's uncertainty principle or Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle.

The Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Physics failed to consider this indeterminacy, quantified by the Heisneberg’s indeterminacy principle, as an intrinsic indeterminacy of the Nature, thus abandoning the idea of determinism in Physics; this indeterminacy is only the fruit, we understand today thank to Modec, of this approximate knowledge of the photon in MQ; this, however, allowed a descriptive and predictive theory more streamlined and more manageable in the MQ, but obviously to be interpreted correctly today in its results, as today with the Modec guide it is possible to start doing.

Read here further details on the Entanglement read back in the light of MODEC:

 “The EPR Paradox and Bell's Theorem in the light of the MODEC Theory (Electric Dipole Double Helicoidal Super-luminal Model of the Photon) for a new understanding of Nature”

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-epr-e-il-teorema-di-bell-alla-luce-del-modec-per-una-nuova-comprensione-della-natura.html

Other, for example on the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg re-read in the light of Modec, thus rediscovering the validity of determinism in Nature, you can read it here:

“The immense propagation of the so-called "Maxwell’s error" in contemporary physical thought!”:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-immensa-propagazione-dell-errore-di-maxwell-nel-pensiero-fisico-contemporaneo-.html

and on other pages of my own website.

We have already shown as the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon is dynamically stable, see:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf

we add a deepening here on its electromagnetic stability as well

“In the Double-elicoidal model of the photon (MODEC) the secret of its electromagnetic stability also now better understood with the discover of the Maxwell’s error”:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/nel-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone-il-segreto-della-sua-stabilità-elettromagnetica.html

Thanks Richard and everyone for the creation of this valuable circle of curious naturalists of the secrets of nature, for this exciting tertulia!


Again about the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel and the Modec of the photon

(Further considerations from my writings in my website grouped here, and in addition to the one you have already read in my work regarding the conciliation between minimum dimensions of the fissures for the validity of the Huygens-Fresnel Principle and the non-point-like transversal dimensions of the photon in Modec)

From a theoretical point of view we can say how the hourly law of the double helicoidal structure of the photon in the theory of Modec, and therefore of the electric and magnetic fields transported and generated in time and space by the two electric charges of the photon, corresponds to a sort of limit of the Maxwell equation of the electromagnetic waves, in the case of a single photon; that is, those of Modec are the equations of the electromagnetic radiation associated with the single photon.

To better understand the relationship between the Maxwell equations of electromagnetic waves and the description of the photon given in Modec, it may be useful to carry out a parallelism with the physical-mathematical laws which, in the Construction Science, express, in tensorial way, in elastic field, the relationship between tension and deformation, or even in the case of a simple spring the Hooke’s law which expresses the linearity relationship between stress and elongation.

In this case we have laws that describe the macroscopic behaviors of elastic bodies, but that, obtained empirically from observations, do not immediately allow us to understand the deeper causes to which those laws are linked. Science can not be limited to the mathematical description of what is physically observed at the macroscopic level, but it wants to go deeper and deeper in understanding, find causes ever earlier, ever more fundamental causes, and increasingly, in this case, it wants to go down in microscopic find what most elementary structures, in this case atomic-molecular, are present, what properties and what phenomena, which then give, as resultant statistics of the behavior of innumerable microscopic components, the properties, the behaviors of the bodies observed at the macroscopic level.

Hooke's law of a spring does not allow us to descend into the microscope in understanding, but the development of atomic and molecular models has allowed to understand its origin on the basis of the binding forces between the microscopic atomic-molecular components of the bodies in the approximation of small displacements, which involve in a first approximation, (Taylor series development), proper linearly variable forces with the displacements of the atoms between them.

Maxwell's laws-equations have been obtained through an approximation in the direction of the continuum as well as the laws of the Construction science that bind tensions and deformations; therefore as in the laws of the Construction Science we lose what is the basic atomic discontinuity in the microscopic, so in the case of Maxwell's equations we lose the discontinuity that is due to the photons and to the components of the photons discovered thanks to the Modec.

What happened with Maxwell's equations in the history of science is that we almost forgot how they were built on a continuous approximation model, an aspect that has made more difficult to realize what we have defined the Error of Maxwell, whose discovery would have led instead to understand how a photonic structure, which is practically the microscopic structure of the electromagnetic wave (radiation), (with the characteristics indicated by Modec for the single isolated photon), was to be expected without any wonder and without thet its discovery implied any strong theoretical discontinuity, no scientific revolution, as instead physicists believed to have to do from the discovery of the photon on, with all the consequences also of a not full and correct understanding of the electromagnetic field of which I have often talked about in reference to the propagation of Maxwell's error.

There is a serious attitude to stop scientific research aimed at understanding nature, which has established itself in modern physics when, faced with an equation that well describes the observed and the observable, physicists end up considering the equation the total explanation, even if they do not understand the reasons for its validity, renouncing to investigate what it hides, what more basic mechanisms; but perhaps this was an act of escape, of convenience, in the face of the impossibility of really understanding nature, even in the presence of good equations, because of the unseen Maxwell's error.

See also “Deepening about the relationships between Maxwell's equations and the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon”

-) link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/approfondimento-sui-rapporti-tra-le-equazioni-di-maxwell-e-il-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

We come to the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel which is thus formulated:

"Each element dΣ of a wavefront Σ can be considered formally as a secondary source of spherical waves in phase with the primary and amplitude proportional to that of the primary wave and the area dΣ. The perturbation produced at a point in space can always be obtained as an overlap of all the secondary spherical waves that reach that point." (from the link: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principio_di_Huygens-Fresnel)

With the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel we are in the field of wave optics (the original wave theory of light), to which then later gave more physical bases the development of Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theory with which it is understood that light is also it an electromagnetic radiation.

Another theory formulated for light was the corpuscular one of Newton which correlated itself better with that other ancient branch of the optics known as geometrical optics (which studied the optical phenomena assuming that light propagates through rectilinear rays); corpuscular theory found strong physical foundations in the discovery of the photon.

It was clear that in part both theories were valid, but both had difficulty in fully describing the luminous phenomenon.

And this behavioral dualism of light had remained strong even in the field of modern physics, so much so that in it the dogma of the wave-particle dualism for the light had been established, without there being any theory of resolution for the full understanding of this double nature, two natures of light considered even almost antithetical to each other; understanding that instead comes elegantly thanks to the Modec of the photon, which represents the triumph of syncretism, as obviously must be when different people see different aspects of the same phenomenon that are reconciled by discovering that underlying structure, that unique polyhedron, we could say, that has all those different faces together, which several observers had observed.

The Principle of Huygens-Fresnel, as well as the electromagnetic waves of Maxwell for their continuous modeling, are linked to a description of light that ignores its corpuscular nature, which we might call microscopic. When you go to physically apply that principle you notice that it is worth with good approximation if the cracks on the screen are sufficiently extended with respect to the wavelength of the incident wave, this fits very well, (it does not create, at least we could say , irreconcilable even where it was possible to deduce from optical wave considerations), with the description of the photon given by Modec that, unlike the modern physics affected by Maxwell's error, does not consider the photon as a point, but also gives it a cross section not point-like but of the order of magnitude of its wavelength, which is the wavelength of the associated and associable electromagnetic radiation to the photon.

Also the fact that the wave emerging from a crack on a screen according to the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel retains the same wavelength of the incident wave is reconcilable with the crossing of the crack by the photon which therefore will retain the same initial wavelength even after crossing.

We still see as, if the crack is very large, (much much larger than the wavelength), the wave fronts of the emerging light wave will be roughly flat as well as flat the fronts of the incident wave, except on the edges by edge effects.

On the other hand, when the hole, let's imagine it circular, on the screen shrinks, the edge effects are prevalent and this causes the slot to appear as generating a spherical wave front. All this, mathematically described by the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel, makes us to understand the physical importance of the edge effects also to understand the same principle from the physical point of view, and now to explain the edge effects through the Modec we can hypothesize that they are due to scattering interactions, impacts but also and above all an electrical interaction between the components of the photon electrical charges, as described by Modec, and which ceases to be considered electrically neutral as in modern physics, and the charges of the material constituting the screen with its positively charged atomic nuclei and their negatively charged electronic cloud coverings.

If mathematically the Principle of Huygens-Fresnel, fixed a wave front, even in the absence of a screen, allows to predict all subsequent wave fronts considering the various small portions of the front fixed as generators of spherical waves with the characteristics provided by the principle, this is due to the fact that the effects of board so simulated for each generating portion, as if it were a little hole on a screen, are eliminated in the integration as if there were no border effects, just as there are not in this ideal case without a screen!

Here I have also collected many other reflections regarding the phenomena of diffraction of the light read taking into account the Modec.

-) link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-modec-e-l-experiment-di-young.html

Modec, compared to the punctiform and intrinsically neutral model of the photon that characterizes the Modern Physics, adds the possibility of a modeling of the edge effects, which are fundamental in the diffraction phenomena and which concern the interaction between electromagnetic wave and the edges of the objects of screen or their slits and holes, taking into account now, thanks to Modec, the electronic nature of the structure of photons and therefore more affected by the electrical charges of the atomic components of the objects, that do by screen, and that are in their edges, with consequent inflections of the the direction of the photons when they pass in their proximity taking into account that the electric forces between electric charges grow in intensity as the distance decreases.

Modec and the related discovery of Maxwell's error imply a revolution in Physics, which implies the abandonment of many paradigms and dogmas of Modern Physics; but in reality, while what has been the revolution of Modern Physics has taken a pose of rupture with the past, a bit like certain avant-gardes in contemporary art in the early twentieth century, today we know that strong break, that was deemed necessary, necessary was not and was detrimental to the understanding of Nature, as evident in the disasters of Modern Physics in the stagnation of the mainstream of our days, for which, "de facto", the revolution that the discovery of the Error of Maxwell has, epistemologically, the value of a counter-revolution, of a great restoration we can say! A reconciling restoration and in the direction of reunification that allows the discovery of that fundamental error, the great original sin of Modern Physics: the Error of Maxwell as baptized, without thereby diminishing the greatness of the great physicist, but to well frame the question without ambiguity.

Whoever grasps the power of the double helicoidal model of the photon, and immediately the semantic depth of Maxwell's error, is the one who seeks concreteness in physics, the concreteness of nature, concreteness totally lost in Modern Physics in the direction of a kind of deleterious spiritualism done spread in it, but also this consequence of that background error not seen for about 150 years!

A spiritistic attitude can perhaps also be a guide, as a beautiful suggestion, in the heuristic path of initial research, of evaluating all the various possibilities as in the Galilean scientific method it is suggested to do; suggestions as in alchemical research; but the naturalist physicist must then arrive, as a result of his journey, to the concreteness of Nature, not to limit himself even to the equations alone that seem to describe something well!
Like the greater concreteness that gives the discovery of the Double Helicoidal Model of the photon, against dogmas such as the Copenhagen interpretation of the Heisemberg Uncertainty Principle, which goes so far as to say indeterminate nature itself, and not just the empirical observation affected by error!
Only those who are driven by the search for this concreteness can really contribute to the growth of physics and to the application of what is here exposed after the discovery. As after the Copernican discovery or rediscovery of heliocentrism, great names, such as Galileo and Newton, were added, drawing the immense physical and mathematical consequences of a very simple discovery simplifying the description of celestial mechanics as the heliocentric principle, in place of the geocentric one, and there the further expansion of the human vision that saw Giordano Bruno well understand the existence of many other worlds, and of many other similar solar systems besides ours in the Universe! The power of simplicity, and rightly, I think, of this simplicity of Nature was a strong supporter Isaac Newton!



From the April 2018 discussion to the link: https://www.academia.edu/s/0b8807556f/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant-has-inertial-mass-mec-2?source=link



When someone really discovers or understands the Helicoidal double model of the photon (MODEC) along with the correate Maxwell's error, "the great original sin of Modern Physics", everything changes for him, and he sees the cosmos with a new and above all much fuller logic, no toads to swallow whole, no more dogmas to be accepted uncritically, and from that moment back to the past is impossible, you do not want it right, you do not even remotely think of getting back into the nebulous misunderstanding, or semi-understanding of reality, you understand that it would be foolish to retreat at that point, humanly impossible!

Like those who have been traveling through a dark forest for a long time, when they have lost their way or do not know if there is an end, instead they reach the fullness of light at its edge on a hill, but at the edge of a precipice; at that point behind it has the shadows from which you came out, in front of visible open spaces but with still a cliff to overcome; but now you can see, you breathe deeply, you know that there is that cliff, you understand where you can get there!

The new physics is open, the new world discovered, the cliff certainly has a comfortable road to descend, but must be sought by all, ensembles, with the taste of sharing the new satisfying revealing discovery!

Like Christopher Columbus, who discovered that the Americas existed when no living European knew it, but then many Europeans helped to discover all their many peculiar aspects, and not only the same Colombus first discoverer.

The real question, rhetorical question for those who first see the "light", becomes, “but how could an independent photon be possible without its structure described by the Double helicoidal electron dipole model?”!

See to deepen these two links from my website http://fiatlux.altervista.org :

-) Letters about Maxwell’s Error and the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon


-) ABSTRACT: MAXWELL’S ERROR, THE GREAT ORIGINAL SIN OF MODERN PHYSICS. With a new Unification the model that explains PHOTON!



From the April 2018 discussion to the link: https://www.academia.edu/s/bfab93df62/the-photon-a-traveller-in-disguise-and-the-electron-the-coincidence-of-being



I thank Guido Kinet for the reception and Richard Gautier for the invitation to write in this discussion.

Here where I mostly wrote in English, after the Italian translation of the initial "letter", I reported, to facilitate the approach, also to non-Italians, to MODEC, my Double Helicoidal Electric Dipole Model of the Photon and its immense consequences including the discovery and understanding, which it allowed me, of the so-called Maxwell's Error, all my comments that, on Academia.edu, I shared, with the same informative purpose, on the discussions opened by Richard for his friends in the United States, and everywhere in the world, and opened by other his friends.

Texts full of ideas that refer, with various links, to other texts in Italian or English that allow further study. For Italian texts they can easily be translated with Google tools.

I also invite you to view the index in red font here

link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org

for indications of the treated macro-themes, even if the various paragraphs go far beyond the arguments in their titles, so it is always advisable to read them!

Many thanks to you!


SCIENCE is born in Greece, in Italy, in England, in America and everywhere in the world where there is a Homo sapiens that reflects on Nature.

I speak here in English for a reason of practicality, and because in this way I can be understood by more people, and the previous step is just a small excerpt from my writings offered here quickly to the attention of those who want to translate it with the translation tools of Google. Certainly not for disrespect to someone.

But it is intolerable to hear affirm, as a person did who wanted to attack my theory and therefore instrumentally my frequent use of my language, Italian:

"English is the language of science!"

A more sensible person and less affected by prejudices would write

"Mathematics is the language of science"

if anything!

You can not blame me, neither by attacking me you can hope not to make known the immense error of modern Physics, which afflicts it and all the recent theoretical speculations that with it collapse and prove profoundly fallacious because they have not noticed such simple and great mistake.

And no linguistic barrier is so high to prevent such mathematical and physical error from spreading, once discovered and disseminated as I am doing, with its revolutionary unavoidable physiological effects!

I hope that those who really want to know what I write and think directly read what I wrote!

I do not like the distortions of my thought as the absurd ones I read in some comment in the discussion!



(A big greeting to the intelligent friend Wes Johnson)

Here at the link (or copy all this string in the address bar): http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains- photon-.html

I speak of the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave.

We all know that an electromagnetic wave observed here and now has had an origin in some previous time and position in distant space, and its origins may be sources coinciding with accelerated electric charges!!

See this picture, which shows the trend of the electric and magnetic fields of a flat monochromatic electromagnetic wave polarized along a plane, 

here at the link: http://www.angelofarina.it/Dispense01/binelli130865/binelli130865_file/image010.jpg


"Electric field" is in English "Electric field"

"Magnetic field" is in English "Magnetic field"

But once it originates from a perturbation an electromagnetic wave then travels free from the sources, with characteristics that we know well (think of the case of the electromagnetic wave of a single photon) that are preserved over time without decay or damping in an empty space.

So in this internal writing, even more synthetic, at the

link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/alterpages/thegreatoriginalsinofmodernphysics.jpg

I am not referring to those sources "ab origine" (I hope Latin, the language of the Romans, does not scandalize anyone), but I am fixing the attention on the electric fields here and now of the electromagnetic wave, and we say here and now those magnetic and electric fields do not originate here and now in electric charges present here and now, this according today's theory of the electromagnetic field and of the photon, (theories affected by the “Maxwell’s error” that I discuss in my study).

On the other hand, the discovery of that error makes light on the fact that, beyond the origin, here and now those vectors of electric and magnetic fields are always rigidly correlated with electrical charges traveling physologically constitutively intrinsically with the electromagnetic wave, and are, in the case of independent isolated photon, those of the photon dipole, described according to the Double-Helicoidal Model of the Photon (Modec) of which I also discuss in my links submitted to your curosity! This also allows a richer three-dimensional description of those fields in the case of the single photon, which Maxwell's equations do not allow for their basic approximations, useful for broader descriptions but whose potential and limitations are better understood once the small and very great error is understood.

All this clarification would have been superfluous by reading with true curiosity what I wrote, but not curiosity evidently inspired a first quick reading in someone who tried to distort my thought so unpleasantly!



I summarize shortly here leaving it to the profitable metabolism or indigestion of the readers.

In Maxwell's equations, writing them in vacuum and thus placing in them Q = 0, they give the possibility of obtaining solutions of electromagnetic (e.m.) waves that can propagate in it!

Hence the idea of the electromagnetic wave, and then of the photon, which do not carry electric charges, the idea of the mono-point electron-neutral photon, the fundamental dogma of Modern Physics.

But it was not realized that setting Q = 0 means placing null an algebraic (and not arithmetic) sum of charges, such is the value of that Q, summation of the algebraic value of every possible electrical charge present in a small volume in Maxwell's equations;

therefore Q = 0

-) if there are relly no electric charges,

but also it is equal to zero

-) if there are dipoles (and then charges), whose algebraic sum of charges is still zero, (in the infinitesimal volume considered)!

If this interpretative oversight had been understood, it would have been well understood that the photon discovered in the following decades showed that the e.m. waves have an electrical granular constitutive structure, and perhaps even that the (electric) Force of Coulomb and the (magnetic) Force of Lorentz together describe a double helicoidal structure for the single photon isolated in vacuum (Modec), and that Maxwell's equations are only a powerful approximation in a continuous pattern of the electromagnetic radiation, (which has physically instead a corpuscular constitutive structure), and from there the countless consequences that I have reconstructed here and elsewhere, link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-immensa-propagazione-dell-errore-di-maxwell-nel-pensiero-fisico-contemporaneo-.html

This is Mathematics and Physics

no opinion, nor religious belief!

A clarification:

electromagnetic waves, which must be considered now with electric and magnetic fields always at all times related to electrical charges traveling with the e.m. wave (radiation e.m.), which are intrinsic parts of it, as well visible in the simplest case of the photon described by the Double Helical Model (Modec), photon which is the most elementary electromagnetic radiation.

In the photon (thanks to the Double Helicoidal Model - Modec) we now see how electric and magnetic fields move in block in all the space rigidly to these constitutive sources charged of the electric dipole of the photon that roto-translate.

At the same time, it is conceivable, if desired, a description of the photon of the Double Helicoidal Model not only as a dynamically stable system that propagates, as described in Modec, thus satisfying and explaining together wonderfully and eloquently many properties of the photon previously unexplainable, not correlable, but also as a system that continuously radiates completely itself with a space-time evolution, for conservation laws, which coincides with the first description, without problems of electromagnetic instability then, or if we wish we can say so that "its electromagnetic instability coincides in the photon with its electro-magneto-dynamic stability "!

All this is in my website

(link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html)

better developed, with the correct reading that now emerges of the e.m. radiation, in a more natural and obvious relationship with the experimental features of the laws of the Force of Coulomb and of the Force of Lorentz, which in any case are the basic laws for the construction of the continuous and therefore approximate model of the e.m. radiations, (“continuos” because does not take into considerations their granular elettrical structure about it we know now), given by the extraordinary beautiful Equations of Maxwell; equations that from the discovery of the defined "Maxwell’s Error" actually are magnified even more in their potential which has the driving value to penetrate the secrets of Nature; potentialities that were not understood until today due to the error that led to misinterpreting the e.m. radiation unnaturally and with absurd physical and then mathematical forcing into subsequent developments, (the effects of the propagation of that mistake escaped for 150 years to the attention of all)!


What is really matter and antimatter, that experimental observation shows us with the existence of electrons and positrons, the Dirac Equation does not tell us, as believed, since Dirac Equation speaks of an antimatter with energy and therefore with mass negative with a consequent hypothesis of an antigravity (from negative mass) that experimentally we do not see; but it is the Modec that for the first time makes us understand that matter and antimatter are linked and derive from what constitutes the photon structure, from its two semiparticles that have equal charges of opposite sign and same positive masses and therefore same energy E = mc^2 (formula of Olinto de Pretto or Einstein’s formula), without any prediction of antigravity therefore, according to what has been observed up to now in terms of gravitational interaction in the universe and in agreement with the generation of matter and antimatter by photons, which we now understand is not pure generation but a revelation of what is present in the photon, during its existance, and not literally annihilated as believed up until now.

And then E = mc^2 is an equality not a reversible reaction of conversion from right to left or vice versa. This is also to understand that there is no complete annihilation of matter-antimatter in energy (photons) or creation of the matter-antimatter pair from pure energy (photons), because the photon is not pure energy as its many properties show, as well as the its frequency and wavelength that the Modec shows us now as descending from its double helicoidal structure in electro-magneto-dynamic equilibrium. All this in perfect agreement with what Modec makes us understand on matter and antimatter and on the photon.

Read also here for further information: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/come-il-modec-prevede-materia-ed-antimateria-del-tipo-elettrone-positrone-con-le-loro-caratteristiche-di-spin-carica-e-u.html

(or copy in the address bar all this link string).


Absurd that there is people who wants to critic a new theory whitout knowing nothing and without read nothing or very little and very bad about it! 

Therefore I must now precise that

Modec is not a model of two double-helix photons, or of a pair of photon-antiphoton!

Modec is a model of the single photon composed of a pair of two semi-particels which can be identified with a pair of matter-antimatter particles, (or, if you want, a pair of protomatter-protoantimatter when they are linked in the structure of the photon, when the photon exists, and that in particular cases, when the photon does not exist more, as a pair of electon-positron, a best known pair of matter-antimatter)!

Above some energy threshold mainstream theoretical physics says “matter can be created from the photon, pair-produce, the production of an electron–positron pair”, but we know now that it is not necessary a pure creation but that all this can be considered as the state of freedom of two particels already existing in the photon.

The photon often seems not to be affected by electric fields because, despite having a discrete charge distribution, an electric dipole, its total charge (algebraic sum of its constituent charges) is null and further because this dipole roto-translates!

“Two-photon physics, also called gamma–gamma physics, is a branch of particle physics that want to describe the interactions between two photons. Normally, beams of light pass through each other unperturbed, but if the intensity of the beams is high enough, inside an optical material, the beams may affect each other; also in pure vacuum, where some weak scattering of light by light exists as well.

Photon–photon scattering which limits the spectrum of observed gammas to a photon energy below 80 TeV, that is, a wavelength of more than ~ 1.5×10^(−20) m.

The other photon is one of the many photons of the cosmic microwave background.” (From internet link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-photon_physics)

In Modern Physic is not possible find simply the reasons of the interaction between two photons since in it photon in not only considered a neutral particle but also without any discrete distribution of charges, but with the Theory of Modec we know now that the single photon has electric charges in its structure (with algebric sum zero – with a total neutrality of charge then, as observed sperimentally for the photon), and then the electric charges of two photons, we now know, can interact beetween them also at a distance, therefore two photons can interact between them also at a distance, and then perturbe each other!

But not only, with this result which conserves neutrality for the photon but which gives it a structure o charges not null we have a physical reason, before impossible, to understand better the scattering of the photon with charged particles, and then with their electric and magnetic fields, (Delbrück scattering, Rayleigh scattering, Thomson scattering, Compton scattering, optical properties in the interaction with matter -matter which is made by a lot of charged particles-, interaction of the photon with atoms -in which there are charged particles-, etc.), and also the effects of on-board scattering which are then fundamental for the diffraction of light, ie the deviation of the rays of light to the edge of objects or screen holes can now also be explained (at least in part) as an effect of the interaction of the constitutive electrical charges of the photon with the electric charges of near atoms, that constitute the materials of the objects lapped, like the screens for observing the diffraction.

For further information: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-modec-e-l-experiment-di-young.html

The Photon Double-Helicoidal Model: 



REVOLUTION AND UNIFICATION thanks to the discovery of Maxwell's error

I can understand that one can have mental blocks to accept theories other than the theory that married for a lifetime, but in the case in question, even before presenting a new theory, we are talking about the identification of a huge mathematical and physical error at the roots of Modern Physics, which was done about 150 years ago.

Therefore, the theoretical physics that from there is built taking into account that error, the “Maxwell’s error”, and that is the physics opened by the Modec (the Double Helicoidal Model of the photon) can not be judged on the basis of physical theories that are been developed in these 150 years without taking into account that error and therefore, in one way or another, they are themselves affected by that mistake that no one has seen for 150 years!

The Modec therefore with its Double Helicoidal Model of the photon and the related discovery of Maxwell’s error, in representing a revolution in physics, is configured as a revolution that unmasks false revolutions, those that were believed necessary in physics just because nobody understood and nobody saw the existence of that error.

The attempt to evaluate the photon in its double helicoidal model with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Physics must profitably serve not to judge Modec but to realize how the successes of Quantum Mechanics, in the initial formulation given by Schrodinger and Heisenberg, are due to the fact that in that indetermination it has fortuitously enclosed just what was not known of the photon, that is its three-dimensional structure described today by Modec and at the time due to that error not even hypothesized as existing to explain the properties of the photon. And this made it possible to realize a powerful theory in the description of nature, Quantum Mechanics, even if with the approximation of not knowing exactly everything of the photon.

Thus the Copenhagen interpretation that different physicists wanted to give of Quantum Mechanics and its Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, (which had the true value expressed here), is wrong: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle does not express an indeterminacy peculiar to nature, as argued by the Copenhagen interpretation, but simply, as now we can understand, an undetermined knowledge at the time of the photon structure.

And so with the Modec we reconstruct all those bad misconceptions of conception of nature that have polluted modern physics because of the propagation of that mistake that no one has seen for about 150 years.

Modec though revolutionary actually removes the tear created between modern Physics and classical Physics precisely because of that unseen error, and shows us with great reunification theory power as the photon itself and therefore the quantization that must study the Quantum physics derive from a single and simple quantization of the nature that is that of the quantization of the electric charge discovered before the photon was discovered; in addition to explaining many properties of the photon with a single simple model using known laws of classical Physics such as the Coulomb force and Lorentz force. This is why Modec, even more than a revolutionary theory that destroys, is a revolutionary theory of reunification that simplifies the knowledge and understanding of Nature by showing how previously conceived disunited aspects are united; and theory with destructive revolutionary value in the sense that it indicates the road on how to correct them and indicates what to abandon of the recent theories of modern Physics.

To deepen "The immense propagation of Maxwell's error in contemporary physical thought!",

link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-immensa-propagazione-dell-errore-di-maxwell-nel-pensiero-fisico-contemporaneo-.html



It seems the art of misrepresentation that of certain clumsy attempts at "criticism of rejection", a priori, of the Double Helicoidal Model of the photon!
The Modec answers questions even remotely investigated and explained by the Modern Physics, yet very important, of Nature, and that to be done in Modern Physics would have been appalling, and so hidden under various dogmas, even of indeterminacy, up to the absurd and comfortable affirmation of indeterminacy not as an aspect of the theory itself or of the measurement practice, but even as an intrinsic aspect of Nature!
Questions such as
-) from where the Planck's Constant originates,
-) why h is  quantum of action;
-) from what quantization is involved in physics (and it turns out from the quantization of the electric charge),
-) why the photon has that spin with those characteristics,
-) why a frequency and wavelength associated with it and to what they physically correspond into the photon,
-) because it has associated an electromagnetic radiation of electric and magnetic fields,
-) how they vary in space and time and why they recall those and with similar values ​​of an electro-magnetic wave described by Maxwell's equations,
-) from where the relationship E=hv for the photon originates,
-) what encloses the wave-particle duality for the photon, from what it descends structurally,
-) why Planck's charge is so close in size to the elementary electric charge,
-) what is the physical meaning of the Fine Structure Constant,
-) why the photon is diverted from a stellar mass in its path,
-) what are really matter and antimatter and why they are linked to the photon as experimentally this is shown,
-) what role does the vacuum have in the properties of the photon,
-) etc. etc.

All this precisely explained also
-) reaffirming the greatness of Newton,
(also observing as that of the photon bound to its total energy, with the formula of Olinto de Pretto/Einstein E=mc^2, is inertial mass and gravitational mass together, not a null mass therefore),
-) remarking the greatness of Maxwell, showing, discovering his error (Maxwell's Error), how his great excellent equations could tell us even more about Nature than Maxwell himself believed, even predict the existence of the photon and with the characteristics of the electric dipolar double helicoidal model,
-) reaffirming the primacy of the conception of a flat space that is not curved or curvable, so flat and in which the Euclidean geometry is valid and with it therefore the Pythagorean Theorem,
-) etc. etc.
A lot and much more understood thanks to the Modec and explained on my website.

Now with the Modec we can solve the EPR Paradox closely related to Bell's Theorem,

link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-epr-e-il-teorema-di-bell-alla-luce-del-modec-per-una-nuova-comprensione-della-natura.html

Thus pointing the way for the correction of 150 years of theoretical physics.

And all based on simple principles, very simple, simplifying, and laws already found in the physics that Maxwell used, without the need for the wrong theoretical and then mathematical artifices involved in so much of Modern Physics because of the unseen error of Maxwell for 150 years!

And in Modec, where even the reunification comes to bring back the existence of the photon, and therefore with him of all the quantization, to the quantization of the only elementary electric charge, the famous Occam's Razor Criterion is widely satisfied, which says that "Entia sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"!


   Oreste Caroppo 


From the April to July 2018, from the discussions opened in Academia.edu where
I have been invited by Richard Gautier,

link: https://www.academia.edu/s/16109ceabf/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-composite-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant

link: https://www.academia.edu/s/0b8807556f/entangled-double-helix-superluminal-photon-model-defined-by-fine-structure-constant-has-inertial-mass-mec-2?source=lin

link: https://www.academia.edu/s/bfab93df62/the-photon-a-traveller-in-disguise-and-the-electron-the-coincidence-of-being

here I copy my comments.


Important that you read this my article in English:


You will see that, established the experimental neutrality of the photon, but expressing this charge neutrality of the photon as the algebraic sum of the two charges equal and opposite of a dipole of elementary charges,

(and I show elsewhere that this does not represent any contradiction once discovered the Maxwell’s Error we have already dealt with here),

without any additional hypothesis but only with the law of the Force of Coulomb and that of Lorentz and other formulas deducible from classical electromagnetic and dynamic theories we obtain a structure, the double helicoidal in dynamic equilibrium for the photon, which explains all the properties of the isolated photon, whatever its energy (and therefore its position in the electromagnetic spectrum);
you get so everything, even the relationship E = hv emerges as a consequence of this structure (a result that Planck and Einstein could not obtain, they simply discovered that this equation is valid for the photon, but not because, not from where it derives physically and what explains this equation), you also find its spin with all its experimental characteristics, what is in the photon physically the wavelength and frequency in terms of hourly law of its structure, you get the electric and magnetic fields of the electromagnetic wave correlated and intrinsically generated by the rototranslating electrical charges of the photon, you better understand the relationship between photon and matter-antimatter and much more!

And as elsewhere here already mentioned in terms of revolution and the long-awaited unification and clarification in Modern Physics for the clear understanding of Nature!

Faced with all this, Modec can not be ignored! Speaking by ignoring it means digressing and wasting more time away from the simple and mathematical reality of Nature!

I have treated the photon in particular, leaving to other physicists then the study of the other subluminal "particles".

In English:



Regarding which energy-mass have the two semi-particles that make up the rototranslating and structurally constitutive electric dipole of the photon in the MODEC (theory of the double helix photon model)

this question is very simple,

it is the same mass-energy of the same overall photon E = hv = mc^2 exactly divided into two equal parts between the two semiparticles perfectly symmetrical to each other but electrically formed by opposite complementary charges (+e) and (-e).

It is shown that the center of mass of the photon, in this structure, has all the properties, none excluded, of the photon in the current simplistic point of view of Modern Physics, including even the zero rest mass predicted by the Special Relativity for the photon. Even!

See page 22 in the PDF:


But now aspects and their magnitudes and characteristics such as the spin, the frequency, the wavelength, the cross section of the photon physically observed, the electric and magnetic fields of what was to be the electromagnetic wave associated with it and which we now understand is coincident with its structure, which has arisen physically, intrinsically rigidly innate, etc. they find physical foundation, understanding, and spring from the theoretically discovered structure.

The speed of the translation of the system, of the photon, which in vacuum is c (velocity of light in vacuum), is implicated, we now understand, by the characteristics of the vacuum-ether: it is that velocity at which the inertia to the polyazization of the vacuum (to which the Planck Constant and the related Fine Structure Constant are connected now we understand with the Modec theory), for the electric charges of the constitutive rototraslanting electric dipole of the photon, is implicated, is such that the vacuum does not polarize, (as normally instead it is polarized for subluminal charged particles shielding them), and this causes that the two elementary charges of the photon, (that can be revealed Starting from an appropriate photon in the phenomena that were called “matter-antimatter couples creation”), interact with each other without such electrical shielding of the vacuum-ether and therefore

as if they had values higher than the Elementary Electric Charge (e) and precisely calling at stake the Charge of Planck Qp, (multiplied by the square root of 2); the Charge of Planck has module in fact slightly higher than that of the Elementary Charge, but still of similar orders of magnitude. This then explains even another mystery that was not up to now understood: the reason for the proximity of the entity of the Charge of Planck, which does not have in its mathematical expression the Elementary Charge, and of the Elementary Charge, another mystery of the unveiled physics among the many others unveiled by Modec on the basis of its simple elementary discoveries and basic simplifying hypotheses!

Regarding the conception of the vacuum-ether that emerges from the Modec I find very important the intellectual convergence with the point of view regarding the ether the of Professor Franco Selleri (1936 - 2013), which I mention extensively here in this my article linked; unfortunately I discovered him studies only shortly after that the Professor had disappeared:


For the intellectual and resolvable clarity that allows Modec is therefore the Holy Grail desperately sought by Modern Physics in order to solve all its huge underlying conceptual problems and proceed forward, today that the error at its foundations (the one I also baptized " the Great Original Sin of Modern Physics ") has been discovered and solved!

A mistake that prevented the scholars of light from seeing the light for what it is!
"With the Modec for the first time we see the Light really!"



I hope that you have all understood how thanks to the Helicoidal Double Photon Model and the related discovery of Maxwell's Error, in the Modec theory you understand how only a greatness in physics is really fundamentally intrinsically quantized, from a physical point of view, and it is the electric charge in its elementary unitary elementary charge (positive and negative), and you understand that all the other quantities that in a correct way by Quantum Physics have been described as quantizable in appropriate physical phenomena, derive from the fundamental quantization which is that of the electric charge and not by a absolute a priori principle of quantization of physical quantities; the same Constant of Planck h on which the Quantum Mechanics is founded we now understand thanks to the Modec that it expresses properties of the vacuum in correlation to the photon, as we also understand now thanks to the Modec that the same photon is not an entity that must be added in more for the knowledge of the world as a priori, absolute, independent from other, but we discover that it is the consequences of the quantization of the electric charge on the basis of the background properties of the vacuum and of elementary physical laws of dynamics and electromagnetism. So you understand how the idea that in Nature it is in force an absolute principle of quantization of every physical greatness is at the same time an error fruit of the non-understanding of the fundamentals of quantization itself studied by Quantum Mechanics; from such error physicists have inadvertently proceeded in theoretical physics towards the recent nonsense of considering even to quantize space and time, after having already heavily "distorted" them in General Relativity, always theoretical distortions developed as consequence of the error of not understanding of the Nature, due to the Maxwell’s Error. An error that in its diffusion has distorted and prevented a full theoretical knowledge of the always simple Nature.



It is the elementary electric charge on the basis of the basic physical laws of dynamics and of the electric and magnetic field which in its interaction with the more or less polarizable vacuum explains the Planck's Constant and the photon. The interactions between particles involving photons as a consequence of this and of nature conservation laws can manifest quantization phenomena. But it is wrong to assume that the photon is the mediator of the Coulomb electric field, as in certain developments of the most recent Quantum Physics, but we discover that the Coulomb electric field is more basic than the photon, and it determines the photon structure!

Link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-concetto-di-quantizzazione-scaturito-dalla-scoperta-del-fotone-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale.htm

Link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-immensa-propagazione-dell-errore-di-maxwell-nel-pensiero-fisico-contemporaneo-.html


Read this my article:


The two semi-particles of photon are real as photon is real as everything that Physics studies must be real!
If you have read everything I write and my links, I can not understand what you can not understand, which is why I think there are more psychological blocks to the explicative simplicity of Modec and its revolutionary power that demolishes the foundations of 150 years of theoretical physics!


Why do I say “psychological blocks”?

Certainly not for offense or lack of respect.
But because of the two semi-particles in Modec a very wide characterization is given,
it is given. for every photon. of them mass, total energy, and electric charge, and I have said that in the theory of Modec, in this its first development, it does not go down in making further hypothesis on them, but in first approximation they are assumed as material points, as punctiform, as in many theories of physics, it is decided to treat many particles at least as a first approximation.

It is clear that you want to hear the names and classifications categories developed for the particles during these about 150 years of development of theoretical physics affected by Maxwell's Error; but proceed in this way, you must understand, it would be methodologically wrong to avoid incurring in the reverberation of errors born from the Error of Maxwell in the theory, Modec, that discovers and solves that error!

With this premise, I can still please you, observing that the photon would remain, as a whole, even in the description that gives the Modec, a boson because even in Modec the photon has obviously the same spin observed experimentally and then spin whole number and equal to 1.

It is demonstrated that photon even in the Modec has zero rest mass, as for the luminal particles it must be (and luminal is in its complex its center of mass in the Modec).

For the two semiparticles of the photon, it is therefore mathematically and physically natural that they must instead be compared to fermions (semi-whole spin particles), since each of them participates with spin 1/2 to the construction of the overall spin 1 of the photon.

These semi-particles would seem, from the phenomenon called the creation of the matter-antimatter pair, electron-positron, from a photon of energy higher than
E = (2me) c^2 where me is the rest mass of the electron equal to that of its anti-particle, the positron,

to be assimilated:

the semi-particle of negative charge to a proto-electron;

the semi-particle of positive charge to a proto-positron.

An idea that seems to emerge from the Modec is that when the photon of sufficient energy undergoes a "shock" (for example with an atomic nucleus) in which it is slowed down, when the non-polarization of the vacuum ceases for its original electric charges, the vacuum polarizes electrically around the charges of the two semiparticles, the dynamic equilibrium that characterizes the photon in its isolated double helicoidal structure described by Modec is lost, and the rest mass not null of the two particles that now appear as subluminal particles, the electron and the positron, seems to be related to the energy involved in the polarization of the vacuum, and also for this reason this mass is equal for each electron and for each positron.

While for the photon, for its special velocities, the vacuum-ether appears as transparent, not electrically polarized, and it propagates without friction well showing us at a very high level the validity of the First Principle of Dynamics (also called Principle of Inertia or Principle of Galileo); it is the vacuum that at those special velocities of the photon does not electrically polarize, so the velocities for the photon are involved by the vacuum itself to appear as transparent to the photon and not hinder it with significant frictions in its existence and propagation appearing vacuum to photon as electrically neutral;

not so much happens for the electron and the positron which are such precisely at subluminal velocities; they are characterized by the polarized ether-vacuum around them which determines both their rest mass and the intensity of their electrical charge perceived from afar.

If we take into account the definition of quasiparticle in physics "a particle-like entity that can be identified in physical systems containing interacting particles. The quasiparticle can be thought as the whole of the single particle and of the surrounding cloud (hence the synonymous term of dressed particle) made up of other particles, pushed away or dragged by the particle in its motion through the system. So the whole entity can be considered as a free effective particle (non-interacting)." we may even use it for the electron and positron as it would seem to emerge from the Modec theory.

What about the photon? If we want to use the term particle again we have to say it is a compound particle.

Now you will ask me for more?

Right, but the point is not to how many questions from here on I will not answer letting that these cues intrigue other naturalist physicists to answer and search,

the real point that can not be ignored is to how many questions has already been answered by the Modec to which the theoretical physics affected by Maxwell's Error had not answered in the least!

I have not investigated the so-called "microvita" theory of Richard Gauthier and Professor Sarkar!

The references for my theories can only be in me!

To learn more: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/le-convergenze-nel-verso-del-modec-del-fotone.html

About biology and Modec Theory here some considerations: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone-e-la-biologia-dna-.html


STOP YOUR MIND in speculation within Modern Physics, there is a huge immense simple error of mathematics and physics escaped disastrously to its foundations:

0 = 0 + 0

But physicists didn't notice that that algebraic sum gave zero even with

0 = 1-1

Read more here to deepen: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html





what Modec Theory (Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon and the discovery of Maxwell's Error) tells us about Quantum Physics but also about its developments:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-rinobilitazione-fisico-matematica-della-non-localita-e-il-paradosso-parmenideo-nel-principio-di-realta-.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-concetto-di-quantizzazione-scaturito-dalla-scoperta-del-fotone-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/considerazioni-filosofiche-ed-epistemologiche-alla-base-delle-speculazioni-intorno-al-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-foto.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-immensa-propagazione-dell-errore-di-maxwell-nel-pensiero-fisico-contemporaneo-.html

You can read every my article here from the menù


Read everything!

Thank you so much!

You can read also these my articles:

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-relatività-ristretta-finalmente-corretta-attraverso-la-guida-illuminante-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

-) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/il-paradosso-della-rilevazione-delle-cosiddette-onde-gravitazionali-per-mezzo-della-luce-di-laser.html



While I was studying the dynamic-electromagnetic equilibrium of the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon (in my MODEC Theory, see PDF), I came to some forecasts that immediately reminded me of an analogy with the astronomical phenomenon impressive for spatial dimensions and energy intensity,
and despite this not yet fully explained to date by Modern Physics,
an intellectual gap of which little is spoken but which is not hidden in the mainstream of scientific divulgation,

that of the Polar/Relativistic Jets emitted for example from an active galactic nucleus, and not only.

An analogy so strong that led me to speculate that they can find explanation thanks to the use of the theory of Modec!

I mention briefly here referring to my other articles for further information:


PDF: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf


If one arrives to the dipolar double helicoidal model of the photon, he arrives where I arrived for the value of "Q", the absolute value of each of the charges of the dipole in the photon in the double helicoidal model, and it can not be otherwise!

See page 44 in my text at the link:


Then from that theoretical point of arrival, I continue the theoretical development further in conciliation with what emerges from the photon in the so-called and experimentally observed "creation of matter and antimatter", where the charge in absolute value of the electron-positron particles, which by an opportune photon is formed/appear, (with the disappearance of the photon, destruction of the photon we can say), is "e" the Fundamental Elementary Electric Charge.

Moreover, in my theoretical development, starting from that point, one can understand the close bond that exists between photon and polarization of the vacuum, and how the photon has and should have, can only have those dynamics that, due to the inertia of polarization of the vacuum (ether), make the vacuum appears really transparent to the photon; it is no coincidence that these dynamics are predicted by Maxwell's equations, better reread then also today thanks to the discovery of Maxwell's Error.

See my texts at the links:



Thus the relationship between "Q" and "e" correlates to the Planck Constant h and to the Fine Structure Constant of which we now understand the meaning in terms of the concept of polarization / non-polarization of the vacuum-ether!

Not only that, we also understand the reason for the mystery of Planck's Charge, which contains in its mathematical expression the Planck Constant, but not the Elementary Electric Charge, and which is however very close to the value of the Elementary Charge in terms of its order of magnitude, (see: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/svelati-i-misteri-delle-unità-naturali-di-planck-grazie-al-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html).

And it is this new theoretical approach, which pursues the guideline always of conciliation with the experimental aspects, which also offers the possibility of a reconsideration of the concept of ether, which had been abandoned by Einstein. It would not have been abandoned if the Maxwell’s Error had been discovered in time.

A concept of ether to be reconsidered now, but to be re-read in the correct key with the new ideas that come to us today and which also escaped at Maxwell because of the mentioned Error, also called by me "the Great Original Sin of Modern Physics"!

And so to follow in the direction of the many developments allowed by Modec also in the direction of the criticism of Relativity (here in an interesting convergence with the criticisms developed by the professor Franco Selleri, see my article at this link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/la-relatività-ristretta-finalmente-corretta-attraverso-la-guida-illuminante-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html), as well as of the Quantum Electrodynamics of which the concept that both the electric field and the magnetic field are mediated by photons as their virtual particles falls in favor of the recovery of the concept of electric and magnetic interaction at a distance instantaneously, philosophically in agreement with certain speculations about entanglement but also and above all in agreement with the experiments made in Italy in recent years in the famous physics laboratories of Frascati-Rome (http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.2913); this re-evaluating conceptions, we can say newtonian, about the interactions at a distance, which Einstein had rejected, but Albert Einstein, let us remember, did not know and did not notice the Error of Maxwell that therefore inflicted his full understanding of reality!

Understanding the meaning of h, Planck Constant, also highlights the great power of unification in the physics of Modec Theory, since it turns out that the photon is implied by a more fundamental quantized quantity that is the Fundamental Electric Charge, and consequently, since on the existence of the photon and on the Planck Constant it is based all the Quantum Mechanics developed by Schrödinger and Heisenberg, we understand how it and any valid quantization studied by it are a direct consequence of a single fundamental natural quantization which is that of the electric charge, without the need of any further quantization principle for the foundation of Quantum Mechanics as it has been believed up to now, before the discovery of Modec, and in particular before of the discovery of Maxwell's Error.

It is not that physical quantities are therefore quantized a priori because in this way Nature is made, granular and not continuous, quantum dogma and that is enough! No! Instead the truth is that simply the physical quantities remain mathematically continuous without problems of any kind, physical and philosophical, but in those processes in which the photons are involved, since the photons are implicated by the quantization of the electric charge, or perhaps better saying, by the granularity of the electric charge, consequently we observe consequent quantizations of other quantities, in correlation with photons and in the exchange of magntitude of physical quantities involving photons, in the processes studied theoretically and observed experimentally.

The only physical quantity that really exists quantized, physically speaking, is the electric charge, the only one that would seem intrinsically granular indeed; but since the overall neutrality of electric charge in the Universe is still in force, a perfect symmetry between positive charges and negative charges, it invites more philosophical and physical insights. Great is the charm that characterizes the electric charge for these peculiarities.

To hypothesize a photon with a dipolar double helicoidal structure, thus arriving immediately to that value of Q, other physicists arrived independently and in parallel (see: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/le-convergenze-nel-verso-del-modec-del-fotone.html), but the great added value of Modec is in all the complex of theoretical steps further moved by that common point and made in the verse of what here I have exposed, with the addition of the superb discovery of Maxwell's Error, what I called "the Great Original Sin of Modern Physics" that I discovered in 2014!

Another aspect to underline is the following: when one discovers the double-helix dipolar model of the photon, its explanatory abilities of all the theoretical and experimental aspects of the photon are such that renouncing this model becomes impossible, but this model is, for countless aspects, irreconcilable with those that are the developments of Modern Physics, so if we stop theoretically at the value of Q obtained and we do not go further in the theoretical verse that I propose, and that also includes the discovery of Maxwell's Error that almost completely defeats the whole theoretician set-up of Modern Physics, then we enter into a great and unresolvable contradiction, on the one hand the double helicoidal model of the photon that we do not want to abandon, on the other hand having to bend to a Modern Physics that declares that model inappellably impossible and unacceptable. This is also why it is necessary to proceed theoretically in the direction of the theory of Modec, above, in some of its cornerstones, by me exposed, and which shows that there is no dilemma, but that it is Modern Physics that is affected by error, Maxwell's error and its diffusion and propagation in Modern Physics, and moreover the Modec also indicates how to correct Modern Physics.

Something is not clear?

Here we are not discussing the model, it is established that it provides a rototranslating dipole, fixed the photon, with constant distance between its two charges, which rotate on a plane around their common geometric center, and with the plane that moves itself in the direction orthogonal to it, hence their double-helix trajectories. Each charge has an absolute value “Q”, and the two charges are of opposite sign so that on the whole the photon remains neutral as it must be for a good model of the photon according to the experimental and also theoretical aspects on the photon.

Here the discussion focuses about as to consider that “Q” value which is Q>e where “e” is the absolute value of the Elementary Electric Charge; we are reflecting if it should be considered as a special value that connotes the photons
and that's that, or if, as I propose, it is a value increased, intensified we can say, compared to that of the Elementary Electric Charge “e”, because this happens in the photon, I hypothesize:

the true charge is always “e” we can say, for the two components of the photon in absolute value, also given that by the photon in appropriate conditions, (not only by a photon of a single precise energy, but by all those with energy equal or greater than E=2(me)c^2, where “me” indicates the rest mass of the positron or of the electron that are equal to each other), we can obtain the electron-positron couple which always have opposite charges in sign and identical in absolute value equal to “e”,

but if we have this intensification of “e” in “Q” in the photon this is due to the fact that the photon is and has exactly that dynamic structure provided by the physical laws in which the vacuum-ether, (vacuum that normally polarizes itself electrically in the presence of an electric charge and around it, if the charge has a speed lower than the speed of light in the vacuum, thus partially shielding electrically the electrical charge, and this is a phenomenon known and accepted also in Modern Physics), ceases to polarize (in this way) for the charges that have luminal velocities (even superluminal) as in the photons, as a consequence of its inertia to the polarization for the charges with the speeds provided in the photon!

That is why the photon is so special, it is that dynamic structure in which an electric dipole can exist without being shielded by the vacuum-ether, that structure for which the vacuum-ether appears electrically transparent, I have defined this aspect of the vacuum for the photon: “super-vacuum”.

Moreover, without this series of theoretical developments of the double helicoidal photon model we would not be able to understand the physical meaning of h, Planck Constant, and of the Fine Structure Constant which are linked precisely to the properties of the the vacuum of electrically polarizing itself or not around an electric charge depending on the speed of the charge with respect to it.

Without these developments we would not understand the physical meaning of Planck's Constant, also called Quantum of Action, and on which the whole Quantum Mechanics is based.

It is the electric charge, which exists quantized, which in its interaction/non-interaction with the vacuum-ether, (interaction quatified by h), determines the existence of photons, whose properties therefore involve the Planck Constant, h; and it is the involvement of photons in the processes in the physical systems, (through which photons exchanges of energy and other quantities can be; physical quantities that must in general be conserved by the principles of conservation), which causes other physical quantities to appear quantized, but it is that an indirect quantization that descends, is dependent, from the primary one of the electric charge therefore!

Moreover it is the quantization through h, (and therefore de facto through photons we can say), which allowed Planck the theoretical resolution of the problem of the Spectrum of the Black Body, to Einstein the resolution of the phenomenon of the Photoelectric Effect, and, we can now guess , (inviting the other physicists to further study in such a speculative verse), also the resolution by Bohr of the problem of the Hydrogen Atom (H) of which he quantized the angular momentum of the electron, bound in the atom, according to multiples integers of (h/2π) which is precisely the angular momentum of the photon, and assuming that the electrons to pass from a consequent energy level to another in the atom absorb or emit photons of energy equal to the energy gap correlated between those levels.

From the quantization of the electric charge, as the Modec theory makes us understand, derives the existence of the photon, linked to the Planck Constant, (h, also called the Quantum of Action),

and with Modec Theory we understand therefore the mystery of why the Plank Charge, Qp, which depends on h, is so close to "e", being that "Q", above, just equal to Q=(square root of 2)Qp, (see: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Le_Unita__naturali_di_Planck_comprese_attraverso_il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf),

and we understand why the physical quantity called action is quantized as nh with n integer, and this quantization is the foundation of the whole Quantum Mechanics; but now this is not a dogma, or a principle to add in more, as in Modern Physics, but a conseguence of the natural quatitation of the electric charge.  

This is all in agreement and inspired together by Occam's Razor Criterion:

"With the same factors the simplest explanation is to be preferred" (William of Occam)

"Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem" ("Do not multiply the elements more than necessary.")

I hope I was clear!



The law of the Force of Coulomb and that of the Force of Lorentz give, and would have given to the physicists already at the time of Maxwell or shortly after with the discovery of the elementary electric charge, the double helicoidal structure of the photon; this, compared with the experimental data of the photon, allows to obtain properties of the vacuum-ether quantified in the Planck Constant. If all this did not happen at that time it is always because of the unseen Maxwell’s Error and its consequences.

The photon has a very important role in physics, light is of great importance for life, and the importance given to light by human religions in human history is great.

In the photon we find both the fundamental physical constant of the Speed of Light in Vacuum, c, and the Planck Constant (h, Quantum of Action also called);

by pursuing speculations around the speed of light, the theory of Relativity was developed in Modern Physics and, instead, by pursuing speculations around the Planck Constant, Quantum Mechanics was developed in Modern Physics; both theories with something good, but irreconcilable with each other, and irreconcilable, in fact, as a whole with Nature, all this because theoretical physics follows wrong paths as, affected by Maxwell's Error, it did not understand and did not seek the structure of the photon and therefore not even deeply understanding the sense of the physical constants that appeared in the photon.

Thus it was paradoxically denied what was immediately mathematically evident to physicists, that is, the speed of light emerging from Maxwell's equations was the speed of light with respect to the vacuum-ether, and that it thus highlighted the existence in the cosmos of a sort of an absolute inertial reference system, special among all possible inertial reference systems.

It is not fully understood that that speed c corresponds to the speed at which the vacuum-ether behaves for the electric charge in motion as a sort of band-pass filter; the vacuum-ether, in front of an electric charge with the velocities that characterize the photon structure, due to an intrinsic inertia to the polarization of this ether, does not electrically polarize and therefore becomes towards this electric charge as "transparent" perhaps completely; this was not understood nor investigated because, due to Maxwell’s Error, it was not understood that an electric dipole was present and therefore electrical charges in motion at constitution of the photon.

After all, there was already talk of dielectric constant of vacuum, included among the fundamental constants of physics, understanding how the vacuum had, has, dielectric characteristics; but the mistake was made to interpret the ether, present in the whole space also "empty", as a sort of elastic medium, the "luminiferous ether" as Young already called it at the beginning of the 19th century, and as Maxwell continued to imagine it, which elastically vibrating was believed to allow the propagation of the electromagnetic field; but it was not exactly like that. The Modec leads us to take up the concept of ether that was abandoned as a physical concept by Einstein, and to read it in a new way and closer, in some respects, with the vision developed in Quantum Physics for the vacuum, where it is assimilated to a sort of dielectric polarizable with distributions in it of pairs of charges, therefore however in the whole neutral.

Regarding the phenomenon of the transition from the polarization of the vacuum to its non-polarization due to its inertia to polarize itself with respect to the speed of an electric charge, I imagine it as an almost stepped phenomenon, as it happens at the cutoff frequency of a filter in frequency; and interesting analogies I refer here to the attention link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/l-etere-di-maxwell-e-la-polarizzazione-del-vuoto-alla-luce-del-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html between the physical-mathematical expression of the speed of light in vacuum, (linked to two other fundamental physical constants, the dielectric constant of the vacuum and the magnetic permeability of the vacuum), obtained through Maxwell's equations, and the physical-mathematical expression of the cutoff frequency of an RLC circuit.

Then, do not forget that the phenomenon of the polarization of emptiness, which behaves like a sort of dielectric, is well known in Modern Physics, in Modec more we investigate its inertia to the electric polarization; this phenomenon of polarization inertia is well known for dielectric materials in terms of their behavior as a filter or not for oscillating electrical signals. Generally exceeded a certain threshold value, depending on the material, due to the speed of oscillation of the signal, the insulation properties of the material with respect to the signal are attenuated, until it precipitates; and this is roughly what we imagine it takes place in the vacuum for the photon, for which the electromagnetism, re-understood thanks to the Modec, tells us that every electric charge of its constituent dipole has speed magnitude of (square root of 2)c, greater than c therefore, with the structure of the photon which, on the whole, translates at velocity c, the velocity of its center of mass.

This kinematics of the photon to be taken into account to investigate more precisely the velocity, luminal (c) or superluminal (square root of 2 for c), to which the vacuum ceases to polarize. A whole phenomenology here in a proposed-intuitive hypothesis, but all to be studied theoretically and experimentally and to which it can be traced, probably also, the understanding of the mass of subluminal particles, taking into account the interaction between the electric charges of the particles or anyway present inside them, and the polarization of the vacuum around them, an idea that goes in parallel with the physical-philosophical idea of Higgs but here in a key primarily of electrical energy.

Because of the Maxwell’s Error it was also paradoxically denied that the electric field studied by the law of the Coulomb Force and the magnetic field linked to the Lorentz Force were an expression of interactions at a distance, as they actually are.

The charm of the vortexes was so great always in physics that in 1867 Sir William Thomson (1824 - 1907), also called Lord Kelvin, proposed the atomic model which he called "vortex atom" based on the latest developments in fluid dynamics, a model of the atoms imagined as vortices of ether which he later abandoned after the important studies he carried out about electrons, "corpuscles" as he called them, constituting the so-called cathode rays.

With regard to the photon in the double helicoidal model we can suggestively consider it as a particular vortex in which, instead of falling inside, spiraling one towards the other until colliding, its two semi-particles translate perpendicularly to their plane of rotation.

Now we better understand the profound meaning of good Quantum Mechanics thanks to the Modec, that better lets us understand how photons can be considered as a kind of exchange currency inside the physical world, when they are involved for energy exchanges, and as well as for the coins there is a smaller coin not further divisible, for example the cent in the case of the monetary system of the Euro, so for the existence of the photon that always has action h, (intrinsic angular momentum, spin, equal in magnitude to h/(2π)), it derives that the action of the physical systems appears quantized with quantum of action h.

All of this is consistent and explains many things.

Regarding the question of the physical significance of the electric charge "Q" that appears in the dipole double helicoidal model of the photon, and its relation to the Elementary Electric Charge "e", we would like to see below why the interpretation I propose in the Theory of Modec is actually that more natural and simpler, and it also implies minor hypotheses, in accordance with the criterion of Occam's Razor.

If we consider, unlike what I hypothesize in the Modec Theory, Q, which is the absolute value of each of the two charges of opposite sign of the dipole in the photon structure, as the intrinsic physical value of these charges and not a value to be read with reflections on the polarization or not of the vacuum, all the advantages I have mentioned above would be less in terms of the development of a revolutionary theory, but also and above all, a theory with a great unifying power in physics; physics, which in this way is now corrected by its decades-old internal consistency problems; a new physics more relevant to the natural reality, which is no longer self-contradictory, and which in this way makes the same double helicoidal model of the photon consistent and therefore supportable by the whole framework of physics. That Modern Physics is problematic and not consistent, that is self-contradictory, everyone knows it well, given that its two main current mainstream theories, Relativistic Physics and Quantum Physics are based on contradictory principles. Suffice it is to say that the first is a deterministic theory, the second indeterministic (or semi-indeterministic we can say)!

Precisely taking into consideration the criterion of Occam's Razor, we observe how to proceed in this direction for the interpretation of Q would lead to further complications because "Q" is bigger than "e", but from Q/e we notice how Q does not correspond to a whole number of elementary charges "e", and therefore this would entail a problem in terms of respect of the Physical Principle of Quantization of the Electric Charge, which is a principle that has never been experimentally violated so that in this case it would be hypothesized to be violated by the structure of the photon; instead, in my approach proposed in the Modec Theory this principle is not violated, but rather I show how it is the foundation of the whole quantization studied by Quantum Mechanics in its correct developments, and how it is at the base of the same photon's existence!

"Q" then we remember is the same for all the photons in the double helicoidal model.

Moreover, even leaving aside for a moment this crucial aspect of quantitative contradiction with the important Principle of Quantization of Electrical Charges, imagining each "Q" charge formed by a certain natural number superior to 1 of elementary charges "e", it would follow that in each photon a number of charges of the same sign should be agglutinated together, however they should be kept very close together to generate the total charge Q, and this for the two extremes of the photon dipole, and thus both for the charge +Q as for the charge -Q. But different charges +e of the same sign to generate + Q, (as different charges -e of the same negative sign for general -Q), tend to repent between them, as charges of the same sign repel each other, then further hypotheses would be needed to explain the phenomenon, new forces and new dynamics for the elementary charges components of the charges +Q and -Q components of the photon, and this would imply further energies of an electrical type, and perhaps not only electrical in the further hypotheses necessary for the exotic forces that make staying close charges of the same sign that instead tend, by their nature, to repel; this would greatly complicate the energy balance within the photon model, which should be taken into account, if we want to consider "Q" as an intrinsically effective real value of electric charge, but in this case keeping respected the Electric Charge Quantization Principle.

There is a revolutionary potential in the theory of Modec that it would be a pity to neglect and not grasp, not letting itself be guided by the simplest interpretation of it that does not violate the Principle of Quantization of the Electric Charge, but that also coherently with the formula that gives "c" in Maxwell's equations, hypothesizes a behavior with almost a step function for the electric polarization of the vacuum-ether space around electric charges, for charges that move at a speed lower than the speed of light in the vacuum (the vacuum polarizes itself) and for charges that they move at speeds like the luminal/superluminal ones in the double-helix model of the photon (the vacuum does not polarize itself  by its inertia to the polarization - an inertia quantified at the same time we can say by the formula that gives the speed of light in the empty space in Maxwell’s equations of the electromagnetic waves, as can be understood by comparing that formula of c with the cut-off frequency formula of an RLC circuit filter)!


Wanting to consider a vortex also the double-helix structure-trajectory of the photon in the Modec

(link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf

there are physical and mathematical laws in it that make it possible as demonstrated.

Considering the vortexes more properly called they involve a medium in which they can occur, a fluid, a superfluid, etc.

Same thing for the Helmholtz ring vortices.

When Lord Kelvin proposed the model of the "vortex atom", such small vortices were hypothesized to occur, according to his theory, in a medium, in that case an ether imagined with appropriate characteristics and existing in what is called "vacuum".

Now, in the case of the electron toroid in the electron model of Richard Gautier, the material charged point of the electron must be, I suppose, dragged into some swirling flow of an ether to be defined, otherwise I do not see what could explain its trajectory on a toroidal surface.

These are the same reasons why Richard's first photon model, which corresponded to half of my double helicoidal model of the photon, was not sustainable; he saw the photon as a material point without charge traveling on an helix-path without any force could explain this curvilinear motion different from the uniform rectilinear one that does not need forces to take place (as explained by the First Principle of Dynamics).

I discuss about it here

link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/le-convergenze-nel-verso-del-modec-del-fotone.html

of the reason why Richard did well to improve his initial model of photon making it then coincide with mine that does not present for the photon this substantial dynamic problem of his first model.

Now I believe that going back, from the solidity of the Modec of the double helicoidal photon without grasping all the theoretical tips to which it leads (and that in the Modec Theory  I develop and expose), to the complication of the addition of an electron model that brings back the same first theoretical problems of the original photon model of the same Richard, and that at this point requires to define an ether always and in any case, but with characteristics different from those that for the ether I believe instead the Modec makes sense, it does not seem to me the most useful way now to the world progress of Physics, which I believe should develop to the maximum degree all the intuitions which Modec conducts for its considerable explanatory and simplifying capacity, and above all I believe that Physics must capitalize the indications to which the discovery of the very important Maxwell’s Error, to which Modec has allowed me to reach, leads

see link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html









After the magnificent discoveries that allow the Modec Theory, (the electric dipole double helicoidal model of the photon with the discovery of Maxwell's Error), it is natural to want to go deeper into the electron and its antiparticle the positron, (the “oreston” as proposed to call it the English astrophysicist Herbert Dingle, given the physical bonds of this particle with the electron, on the basis of the suggestion coming from the Greek myth, where Electra and Orestes were the sons of the Achaean king Agamemnon chief of the Argive armies in the Trojan War), but before moving to try to penetrate the mysteries of electron, so that research and speculation is more profitable, reasoning on the philosophical questions that I pose can be important!

A model of the electron will have to give us not only its spin, but also its intrinsic magnetic moment and its rest mass.

In Modec the spin of the photon, which is a boson (with spin 1), is the sum of the spin (1/2) of its two fermionic semiparticles which have energy and mass as well as electric charge, respectively the electric charge of the electron and the positron.

From the Modec of the photon the passage towards the electron and the positron is natural.
For their rest mass Modec suggests to deepen the energy linked to the polarization of the vacuum-ether around the charges of the electron and of the positron, thus referring to a deepening of the nature, structure, composition and properties of the vacuum.

But, to continue further, I think it is interesting to devote ourselves to questioning the issues posed here.


my website about Modec Theory: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/

-) my PDF in English, about a my study of the year 2005, "The Photon Double-Helicoidal Model": http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf

-) about the fundamental "Maxwell's Error": ABSTRACT: MAXWELL’S ERROR, THE GREAT ORIGINAL SIN OF MODERN PHYSICS. With a new Unification the model explains PHOTON!

on Academia.edu: https://www.academia.edu/37081572/_The_Photon_Double_Helicoidal_Model_by_studies_and_researches_of_Oreste_Caroppo

Great regards to all of you


See pag. 21 of my work in PDF, I identified, starting from my Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon, the theoretical particles that I called "fottoni" having mass from the order of magnitude of the Mass of Planck up, that I said components of a possible exotic matter "dark".

Interesting in the analyzed fotone/fottone system, (see page 22 in the PDF), the particle in which R is the minimum, (R is the internal distance in its dynamically double-helix structure), and it corresponds to a composite-particle energy equal to Planck Energy multiplied by the product of 2 for the square root of 2.

This minimum R is then equal to the Planck Length for the square root of 2.

I remember that Planck Energy is equal to the Planck Mass for the square of the constant of the velocity of light in vacuum.

This particle with minimum R has a spin of 2, twice the spin of the normal photon.



PDF in http://fiatlux.altervista.org/svelati-i-misteri-delle-unità-naturali-di-planck-grazie-al-modello-doppio-elicoidale-del-fotone.html

As you know this is my first PDF


but above the link to my second PDF that you will read!


A SUMMARY in English of the important and hyper-explanatory discovery of Maxwell's Error

Regarding my text in this my article to the link: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/l-errore-di-maxwell-il-grande-peccato-originale-della-fisica-moderna.html

So if the hypothesis A had been true, this would have entailed electromagnetic waves constituted by nothing with electric and magnetic vectors at a given point and instant present without any source charge, but to be conceived therefore as electro-magnetic perturbations, which are propagating to start, simply, from the charge sources, placed in distant places and times, authors of the perturbation that was propagated then in time and space;

from here, by analogy with the mechanics of elastic bodies, the concept of a medium that occupies the emptiness, that perturbs itself, the luminiferous ether, and thus leads to electromagnetic perturbation;

hence the mathematically arguable idea of ​​a nature of electric and magnetic fields local, contrary to the non-local nature of them, placed inside Maxwell’s equations with those original hypotheses of non-locality, hypotheses not explicitly stated and which do not allow anyway that the equations themselves give results that overturn their basic constructive hypotheses, and the contradiction is not in Maxwell’s equations and their predictions, equations that incorporate with the Gaussian theorem an electric field conceived as described by the non-local Coulomb Law, that is with instantaneous interaction at distance, but the contradiction is in the physical interpretation given to the e.m. waves, an interpretation affected by Maxwell's Error.

All this since the correct is instead of the two the hypothesis B, which says the radiations e.m. to be composed of charged corpuscles in a minimal form of dipoles;

whereby adding the discovery of quantization, in particle corpuscular form, of the electric charge in the electron, with the elementary electric charge conceived in first approximation as point-like, this would have led to predict from Maxwell's equations the nature of microscopic architecture with charged particles of the defined wave e.m. with a simpler minimal structure composed of a rototranslating dipole overall therefore neutral, practically what was identified years later in the electromagnetic radiation, that is the so-called photon.

The photon experimentally appeared electrically neutral, this at least was considered in accordance with the predictions of the Equation of Maxwell that affected by hypothesis A were believed to provide an electromagnetic radiation totally free of electric charges.

The photon was therefore conceived as mono-point-like. This prevented the discovery of its explanatory structure of all its properties. The discovered today Double Helicoidal Model of the photon.

If instead the Maxwell’s Error was understood, with the hypothesis B, it would be understood that the neutrality of the photon is yes in agreement with the Maxwell’s equations, but it is an overall neutrality, not an intrinsic neutrality, ie it would be understood that the photon consists of an electric dipole whose algebric sum gives its total charge neutrality.

Because, due to Maxwell's error, the radiation e.m. was retained without charge, the photon was instead conceived as mono-point, while it was electrically neutral, but at least bi-point-like, consisting of a roto-translating dipole with an overall double-helix trajectory.

Without the understanding of everything, that photon represented for the theoreticians however the inconceivable for its existence, regardless of its characteristics; existence inconsistent with the predictions they believed Maxwell's equations did.

Not having seen the error of Maxwell, not having seen the hypothesis B, they could not reconcile the photon with the Classical Physics reached up to Maxwell, hence the idea that the Classical Physics was wrong in part and the idea of the need to found a new approach based on visions of the reality that are in any case corrupted by that unseen error, a Modern Physics to explain the new observed and according to them not foreseen and not predictable by Classical Physics, which instead de facto predicted it, but Maxwell's error prevented the physicists from noticing! With so much propapagation of that error in Modern Physics, such as the believed non-locality of electrical and magnetic interaction, so much so that physicists tried to correct Maxwell's equations with retarded potential.



   Oreste Caroppo 


Here are some of my texts on the theory of Modec from various discussions on facebook, instagram, mail, etc. of the years 2019 and 2019.



Question: “MODEC says that the diameter of the cross section attributed to the photon is proportional to its wave length, so it says that radio waves' photons are proportional to such wave lengths?”

Answer: “Yes if you can examine a singole photon in a sufficient space in which it is alone!”

Let's think about it: in a domestic microwave oven, for example, the opening door, if you notice it, is made of glass and it contains a metal mesh riddled with holes of a few millimeters opening. It is done in this way to allow us to see inside and at the same time to largely shield the microwaves so as to ensure the safety of the observer outside!

Inside the oven the microwaves typically have a wavelength of a few centimeters and the holes of a few millimeters do not allow microwaves to escape, except in a very small part!

In other words, for microwaves it is almost as if there was a perfectly reflective almost homogeneous metal wall.

Instead the light, which has wavelengths of the order of a few tenths of a micron, so much smaller than the holes of the metal grid, exits to the outside passing through them (and from the glass which is very transparent for the light) allowing us to observe the lighted interior of the microwave oven.

The door with the metal grid is interposed roughly transversally to the luminous and microwave electromagnetic radiations with respect to which we are considering its non-shielding effect or not, thus showing how the photon has a cross section, transverse to its propagation direction, that the MODEC theory well explains and tells us precisely to be of the same size as its own wavelength; wavelength, which is also a kinematic property that longitudinally connotes the trajectory of the photon, (it is in fact the step of its helical trajectory that the MODEC tells us), and wavelength that corresponds precisely to the longitudinal characteristics of the electromagnetic radiation obtained from the equations of Maxwell, but now with the discovery of the dipolar structure of the photon we know perfectly how the electric and magnetic fields of Maxwell's electromagnetic radiation are correlate themselves and are inherent to the photon itself in which they find their source electric charges in their propagation in space and time although very far from the places where electromagnetic waves have been generated!

For Modern Physics, instead, the photon is simply mono-point-like, so you wouldn't have any of its physical structural properties to explain why light photons pass through those holes and instead cannot likewise those of microwaves, both having to be mono-points for Modern Physics. But experimentally it is well observed that having a perforated metal screen, with holes of smaller diameter than the wavelength of the microwaves and greater than that of light, the light incident on the holes roughly passes well, while the microwaves do not!

The Modec instead, for this phenomenon, gives you the coherent physical explanation that other theories do not give you with equal lucidity!

Metal mesh riddled in a domestic microwave oven, photo at link: http://bressanini-lescienze.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/files/2014/05/mwtest01.jpg


Someone has answered, to my question "What is the structure of the photon?", that the photon would be a suitably vibrating string. But if that were the case you would be introducing another entity to be defined in physics, a string, and instead MODEC does not use anything more to explain the photon, but it uses forces, such as that of Lorentz and of Coulomb, the laws of classical dynamics and entities like the negative and positive elementary electric charges in first approximation assumed as point, even, as I show, without this involving a contradiction with the mathematics of Maxwell's equations, so that the photon itself, which up to now has been a entity added in the construct of Modern Physics, does not even need to be added anymore as something in itself, as a new unexpected and unexpected entity independent of everything else, but emerges from a more basic theory, that of MODEC, and not adverse to the foundations of nineteenth-century Physics, all in accordance with the principle of Occam's razor which says never add more entities than strictly necessary!

Furthermore, even if we try to force ourselves, ignoring all this, to hypothesize the photon as an "exotic" vibrating string, this would not explain all the properties of the photon, as instead the Double Helical Model of the photon explains them and makes them obtain physically-mathematically!


What if there were a mathematical mistake escaped in the foundations of all Modern Physics?

Read my comments: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/abstract-maxwell-s-error-the-great-original-sin-of-modern-physics-with-a-new-unification-the-model-explains-photon-.html


See this image to understand MODEC Theory!

The theory of the Double Helicoidal Model of the Photon:


Why do not you arrive to the true model of the photon in your speculation in which perhaps you have the correct intuiton of a movement of a point not only along a line traiectory?

Cause of a dogma! The dogma in modern physics was "Photon is a single point, which has not electric charge because it is neutral in agreement with Maxwell's electromagnetic wave".

But I destroied the dogma, and I have found Maxwell's error, and now I can say: "Photon is neutral in agreement with Maxwell's electromagnetic radiation, but it's an electric dipole so neutral in its whole, and this dipole nature is in agreement with Maxwell's electromagnetic radiation if you understand Maxwell's error, but in this way you resolve a lot of the problems of modern physics, unify physics, obtain from a structure the properties of the photon and so much other as I expose in the pages of my web site:


Image: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/alterpages/rising_circular.gif?fbclid=IwAR3K_tCjV6F9aY76fA8BPIS9CAYXYiwELxR4UkH0FY9M3pPfmHxaqEuzoZ0

Gif is to understand!

But to understand in a better way you must study more:

"The Photon Double Helicoidal Model" by studies and researches of Oreste Caroppo, at the link: http://vixra.org/abs/1810.0469

A lot is in my web site: http://fiatlux.altervista.org/index.html


This is logical and it was to be expected, criticisms of the superluminal model of the photon.

For this reason it is fundamental to move from the setting I give in the MODEC Theory through Maxwell 's Error which allows us to demolish all the major errors of Modern Physics showing how the descriptive perfection of the Photon Double-Helix Model is not a random mathematical oddness, but the fruit of the simplicity of Nature itself!

To show that the Photon Double-Helix Model is correct, it is necessary to show that Modern Physics is wrong in its foundations, and this can be proven with the Maxwell 's Error!



Maxwell was so big that you must return to his equations to find the solution to the problems of Modern Phyisic! 

And Coulomb's law is also at the base of the structure of the photon.


Impossible to understand nothing else and to go away about aether if you don't understand MODEC theory!

Translate and read!



In this way you can understand the real sense of h, the Planck constant, connected to the properties of aether, and are these properties at the basis of the existance of the photon:


And only with MODEC THEORY you have the possibilities to understand Planck's units, considering together electromagnetic and gravitational forces in the structure of the photon:


This is in English as introduction, but translate and read the other paragraphs of the website!



While the world of physics sleeps in the shadows of a dogmatic mainstream, we know that reality is more beautiful and more rational than that, (in the non-knowledge presented as knowledge), they have painted as if it were reality!


Adding in the microcosm the inclusion of the Newtonian force of gravity, the Planck units are obtained, and you also understand them in their true and profound physical meaning so really, in this way you understand how the theories, pretty certain philosophically, of the Multiverse do not serve to solving the problems of Modern Physics, as it is necessary instead to understand for this purpose the structure of the photon which is given by the Double Helicoidal Model (MODEC theory) http://fiatlux.altervista.org/Le_Unita__naturali_di_Planck_comprese_attraverso_il_Modello_Doppio_Elicoidale_del_Fotone_di_Oreste_Caroppo.pdf.


  Oreste Caroppo